Vicon Industries, Inc. announced Vicon Industries has released a new suite of AI-based analytics in an enhanced Vicon Roughneck® AI Camera series, further improving its unified VMS platform for controlling video, access control, license plate recognition (LPR), and other integrated applications. Vicon's enhanced lineup of Roughneck AI Cameras and latest VMS release — Valerus 23.1 — combine to deliver powerful object classification, tracking, recording and forensic searching. Vicon's Roughneck AI Cameras, with impressive features including advanced analytics, smart/adaptive IR, Starlight low-light technology, and -40° operating temps, now include built-in AI-based analytics.

Vicon's AI-based analytics intelligently identify people and vehicles to help customers perform more meaningful searches in Valerus and diminish nuisance alarms triggered by irrelevant motion. This tight integration between its enhanced cameras and Valerus further improves Vicon's established position as an end-to-end solutions provider. Benefits include: More efficient searches.

Filtering out non-relevant video in post-incident searches so users can find needed info faster and easier. Real time, meaningful alarms. Users are instantaneously notified about events that are important, such as people or vehicles in a restricted area, without being distracted by meaningless nuisance alarms. Edge-based analytics. Analytics reside on the camera, which allows users to be more efficient with server resources, ultimately saving money.

Object based recording. Valerus can perform object-based recording, meaning motion-triggered events will be recorded only when they involve a person and/or vehicle, allowing for reduced storage costs. Plug-and-play.

The cameras will detect people and vehicles out of the box, allowing users to immediately take advantage of object-based recording and intelligent searches. For customers who deploy dozens or even hundreds of cameras, this feature can save several hours—if not days—of installation and setup time.