Vicon is expected to commence the beta release of its innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) gun detection feature in the second calendar quarter of 2024, marking a significant milestone in public safety and security technology. This feature is designed to function on edge devices, offering a low-cost, high-efficiency solution for detecting Armed persons in surveillance footage and enhancing the capabilities of video management systems to initiate specific responses upon detection. The introduction of this AI feature, with full commercialization planned for the second half of 2024, is part of Vicon's commitment to developing cutting-edge solutions that meet the dynamic needs of customers.

This commercialization strategy allows for gathering real-world insights and refining the technology based on feedback from live environments, ensuring the delivery of a superior product experience. Current solutions on the market are generally server-based which are extremely cost prohibitive and difficult to deploy, whereas Vicon's approach for an edge-based solution, offers a more effective alternative. Vicon, in collaboration with its technology partners, is developing this feature to provide real-time alerts and facilitate rapid response, thereby playing a crucial role in enhancing security measures and potentially preventing violent incidents before they occur.

The value of integrating gun detection technology into video surveillance systems offers significant advancements in the ability of organizations to protect their premises and the people within them, providing peace of mind in increasingly uncertain times. Gun violence remains a pressing issue in the United States, with provisional data for 2022 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlighting the urgent need for innovative solutions: Over 48,000 gun-related deaths, including nearly 20,000 deaths, were recorded in the U.S. An average, 132 Americans died from a gun-related injury each day, with hundreds more shot and injured. Guns remained the leading cause of death for children and teens, climbing 87% in the last decade.

Vicon's AI gun detection technology aims to contribute significantly to efforts to reduce gun violence and its devastating impact on communities across the nation. The Company sees the market opportunity for this feature to be vast, ranging from schools, hospitals, government buildings, retail, to religious institutions.