Veefin Solutions has recently added Metalbook. Metalbook has a network of over 1,100+ suppliers and buyers within the global metal industry. Over the years, Metalbook has become a leading player in a complex metal industry supply chain which is pervaded with structural inefficiencies.

Metalbook has built an integrated tech platform providing 10x efficiency in the entire supply chain enabling buyers and sellers to expand their market presence domestically and globally. By bridging the gap for traditional players, they are committed to creating a end to end ecosystem that prioritizes fast and transparent transactions along with offering a global symphony of sustainability and industrial innovation, thus creating a circular economy. Veefin Solutions seamlessly embeds its cutting-edge Supply Chain Finance platform into Metalbook's extensive network of metal suppliers and buyers and allows Metalbook to offer financing to its network from hundreds of lenders in the country, eliminating the need for cumbersome one-on-one integrations with each lender, saving significant resources.