Usun Technology Co., Ltd. announced Members of the Fourth Audit Committee of the Company. Name of the previous position holder: Independent director:Tsai Chung-Piao, Independent director:Weng Juan-Chi and Independent director:Chung-Jen Chen. Name of the new position holder: Independent director:Chung-Jen Chen, Independent director:Chih-Chen Chou and Independent director:Shiancheng Liu.

Resume of the new position holder: Independent director:Chung-Jen Chen Independent director, Usun Technology Co., Ltd. Distinguished Professor, Department of Business Administration, NTU; Independent director:Chih-Chen Chou CPA and Managing Partner, WeTec International CPAs Independent Director, Sonix Technology Co., Ltd.; Independent director:Shiancheng Liu @Senior manager,FOXCONN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Reason for the change is term expired. Effective date of the new member is June 14, 2024.