This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.

(Securities code: 1860) June 5, 2024 (Start of electronic provision of documents: May 29, 2024)

To Shareholders with Voting Rights:

Seisuke Otani

President and Representative Director


7-1 Kyobashi 1-chome,Chuo-ku,




Dear Shareholders:

We would like to express our appreciation for your continued supports.

We are pleased to announce that the 101st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of TODA CORPORATION (the "Company") will be held as described below.

In convening this General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company has taken measures for providing information in electronic format (the "electronic provision measures"). Matters subject to the electronic provision measures have been posted on the following website:

The Company's website:

In addition to the above website, those matters have also been posted on the following website:

The Tokyo Stock Exchange's website (Listed Company Search):

(Please access the above website, perform a search by entering "TODA CORPORATION" for "Issue name (company name)" or "1860" for "Code", and then select "Basic information" and "Documents for public inspection/PR information" to review "[Notice of General Shareholders Meeting/Informational Materials for a General Shareholders Meeting]" in the "Filed information available for public inspection" section.)

You can exercise your voting rights in writing or by electromagnetic means (via the Internet, etc.). Please review the Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders included in the matters subject to measures for electronic provision, and exercise your voting rights by 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (Japan Time).

1. Date and Time: 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (Japan Time)

2. Place:

AP Tokyo Yaesu Dori, 7F, KPP Yaesu Building

10-7 Kyobashi 1-chome,Chuo-ku, Tokyo


3. Meeting Agenda:

Matters to be reported: 1. Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements and results of audit thereof

for the Company's 101st Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024)

2. Non-consolidated Financial Statements for the Company's 101st Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024)

Matters to be resolved:

Proposal No. 1 Appropriation of Surplus

Proposal No. 2 Election of Six (6) Directors

Proposal No. 3 Election of One (1) Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Proposal No. 4 Election of One (1) Substitute Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Proposal No. 5 Acquisition of Treasury Stock

  1. When attending the meeting, please submit the enclosed voting rights exercise form to the reception desk. Please also bring with you this Convocation Notice as a meeting material.
  2. Of the items to be provided electronically, the following items are not included in the documents to be delivered to shareholders who requested delivery of written documents in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation. The documents to be delivered to the shareholders who requested the delivery of the documents are part of the documents that were audited by Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the accounting auditor in preparing the audit report.
    1. "The Company's System and Policy" in the Business Report
    2. "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" of the Consolidated Financial Statements
    3. "Notes to Non-Consolidated Financial Statements" of the Non-Consolidated Financial Statements
  3. Any revisions to the matters subject to the measures for electronic provision will be posted on the above-listed websites.


Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders

Proposals and References

Proposal No. 1 Appropriation of Surplus

The basic policy of the Company is to make profit returns in accordance with its performance and business environment, while assuring continuous, stable dividend payments to shareholders and in consideration of the amount of internal reserves essential for strengthening the competitiveness and financial strength of the Company. To make direct profit distribution and to achieve shareholder return through medium- to long-term share price increase, the Company has set target for DOE at 2.5% or more, while total return ratio is set at 40% or more. Under this policy, the Company proposes the appropriation of surplus as follows.

Matters concerning year-end dividends

  1. Type of dividend property Cash
  2. Matters concerning the allocation of dividend property to shareholders and the total amount thereof 14 yen per share of common stock of the Company
    Total amount: 4,298,552,132 yen
    As a result, annual dividends per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 will be 28 yen, including the interim dividend of 14 yen.
  3. Effective date of distribution of surplus June 27, 2024


Proposal No. 2 Election of Six (6) Directors

The terms of office of all seven (7) Directors will expire at the conclusion of this Meeting. Accordingly, the Company proposes electing six (6) Directors (including three (3) Outside Directors).



Positions and responsibilities

at the Company


Masanori Imai


Chairperson and Representative



President and Representative


Seisuke Otani




President and Corporate


Executive Vice President


Group General Manager,


Toshihiro Yamazaki

Corporate Administration Group


Senior Manager, Investment

Screening Division



Toshihiko Itami


Outside Director

Outside Director




Kumi Arakane


Outside Director

Outside Director




Masahiro Muroi


Outside Director

Outside Director


Attendance at the Board

of Directors' meeting


(18 out of 18 meetings)


(18 out of 18 meetings)


(18 out of 18 meetings)


(18 out of 18 meetings)


(18 out of 18 meetings)


(18 out of 18 meetings)




Career summary, positions, and responsibilities

April 1978

Joined the Company

April 1999

Manager, Architectural Construction Work Division, Tokyo


October 2001

General Manager, Keiji General Construction Sales Office,

Osaka Branch

April 2008

Corporate Officer and Vice Branch Manager, Osaka Branch

August 2009

Executive Officer and Branch General Manager, Osaka


April 2013

Corporate Officer and Executive Vice President


June 2013

President and Representative Director

President and Corporate Officer

April 2021

Chairperson and Representative Director (to present)

[Significant concurrent positions]

Masanori Imai

Chairman, Japan Construction Occupational Safety and Health Association

Vice Chairman, National General Contractors Association of Japan

Executive Councilor, the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Reelection Candidate

(July 21, 1952)

Vice Chairperson, Ecofirst Council

Co-Representative, Japan Climate Leaders' Partnership

Outside Director, East Japan Construction Surety Co., Ltd.

Chairperson, Toda Mirai Foundation

Number of

shares of the

Company held


[Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director]

Mr. Masanori Imai, serving as President and Representative Director and Chairman and Representative Director, has played a leading role in increasing the Group's corporate value. He also engages in activities outside the Company to contribute to solving social challenges including environmental issues. The Company renominates him as a candidate for Director so that he will leverage his wealth of experience and broad insight, contributing to the sustainable growth of the Group through managerial supervision that gives consideration to all stakeholders and the strengthening of the decision-making function of the Board of Directors.

April 1982

Joined the Company

March 2009

General Manager, Architectural Construction Work

Division, Tokyo Branch

March 2013

Deputy General Manager, Tokyo Branch

October 2016

Branch General Manager, Chiba Branch

April 2017

Corporate Officer

March 2018

Corporate Officer and Branch General Manager, Kanto



March 2020

Corporate Officer in charge of Administration Group


April 2020

Executive Officer


June 2020


April 2021

President and Representative Director (to present)

President and Corporate Officer (to present)

Seisuke Otani

Reelection Candidate

(May 25, 1958)

[Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director]

Mr. Seisuke Otani has been responsible for the architectural construction work department over many years, accumulating a wealth of experience and achievements in the area of architectural construction. Furthermore, he has been making significant contributions to increasing the corporate value such as by overseeing large-scale construction projects. Since April 2021, he has been leading the Group management as President and Representative Director. The Company renominates him as a candidate for Director as he can be expected to contribute to forward-looking, medium- to long-term growth strategy and to improving the corporate value.




Number of

Career summary, positions, and responsibilities

shares of the

Company held

April 1982

Joined the Company

March 2008

General Manager, Financial Division, Administration


April 2015

Corporate Officer and General Manager, Financial

Division, Administration Group

March 2016

Corporate Officer in charge of Administration Group

March 2021

Corporate Officer and Assistant General Manager,

Management Administration Division



March 2022

Corporate Officer and Group General Manager, Corporate

Administration Group and Senior Manager, Investment


Screening Division (to present)

April 2022

Senior Executive Officer

Toshihiro Yamazaki

June 2022

Director (to present)

April 2023

Corporate Officer and Executive Vice President (to present)

Reelection Candidate

(July 10, 1958)

[Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director]

Mr. Toshihiro Yamazaki has been responsible for finance department over many years, accumulating a wealth of experience and achievements in all aspects of financial matters in relation to corporate management. He currently supervises the personnel, administration, safety, and ICT departments, etc. as Group General Manager of Corporate Administration Group and is engaged in promotion of many investment development projects and strategic business as Senior Manager of Investment Screening Division. The Company nominates him as a candidate for Director as it believes that he is suitable for executing further growth investment and to strengthen financial strategy.




Career summary, positions, responsibilities

Number of

shares of the

and significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1980

Appointed Public Prosecutor, Tokyo District Public

Prosecutors Office

April 2005

Director-General, Public Security Bureau, Tokyo District

Public Prosecutors Office

June 2010

Director, General Affairs Department, Supreme Public

Prosecutors Office

July 2012

Chief Prosecutor, Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office

July 2014

Deputy Prosecutor-General, Supreme Public Prosecutors


December 2015

Superintending Prosecutor, Osaka High Public Prosecutors




November 2016

Registered as an Attorney at Law


Toshihiko Itami

Advisor, Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu (to present)

March 2018

Audit & Supervisory Board Member, THE HOKKOKU


Reelection Candidate

June 2018

Outside Director, Seven Bank, Ltd.


June 2018

Director, the Company (to present)

June 2020

Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee


Member), JP-HOLDINGS, INC. (to present)

(September 2, 1953)

[Reasons for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and expected roles]

Mr. Toshihiko Itami has served in prominent positions including Chief Prosecutor of Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, Deputy Prosecutor-General of Supreme Public Prosecutors Office and Superintending Prosecutor of Osaka High Public Prosecutors Office, before engaging in corporate governance, corporate crisis management and corporate compliance matters as an attorney at law, and possesses a wealth of experience and a high level of expertise. The Company renominates him as Outside Director as we expect that he will provide appropriate advice and proposals concerning the management of the Company from an objective standpoint independent of the management team involved in the execution of duties.

While he has never been involved in corporate management other than as an outside director/auditor, the Company believes that he can appropriately execute the duties of an Outside Director based on the above reasons.




Career summary, positions, responsibilities

Number of

shares of the

and significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1981


(currently KOSÉ Corporation)

March 2002

Senior Chief Researcher, R&D Headquarters Advanced

Cosmetic Research Laboratories

March 2004

General Manager, Product Development Dept., Marketing


March 2006

Executive Officer, Deputy Director-General of Marketing

Headquarters and General Manager of Product

Development Dept.

March 2010

General Manager, R&D Laboratories


March 2011

General Manager, Quality Assurance Dept. (Marketing




Kumi Arakane

June 2011

Director (in charge of Quality Assurance Dept., Customer

Service Center, Purchasing Dept., and Product Designing


Reelection Candidate

June 2017

Audit & Supervisory Board Member

March 2019

Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Kubota




March 2020

External Director, Kagome Co., Ltd. (to present)

(July 4, 1956)

June 2020

Director, the Company (to present)

March 2021

Outside Director, Kubota Corporation (to present)

[Reasons for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and expected roles]

Ms. Kumi Arakane has a wealth of experience and insight in corporate management, including being involved in the execution and supervision of management as a director and person in charge of corporate R&D, product development, and quality assurance as a Doctor of Pharmacology. The Company renominates her as Outside Director as we expect that she will provide to-the-point proposals and advice at the meetings of the Board of Directors from an objective standpoint independent of the management team involved in the execution of duties.

April 1978

Joined the Nomura Computer Systems Co., Ltd.

January 1988

The Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. and the Nomura

Computer Systems Co., Ltd. Merge

June 2000

Director and Group General Manager, Planning and

Business Division, EC Knowledge Solution Division,

Knowledge Solution Group

April 2002

Director and Executive Officer, Senior Manager, e-Solution


April 2008

Director and Senior Executive Officer, Senior Manager,

Investigation & Creation Center, Headquarter Organization





April 2013

Representative Director and Executive Vice President,

Masahiro Muroi

Senior Management, Headquarter Organization Division,

Quality and Innovative Production Division

April 2015

Director, Vice Chairman & Chair, Board of Directors

Reelection Candidate

June 2016

Outside Director, RYODEN CORPORATION (scheduled


to retire in June 2024)


June 2017

Outside Director, MARUI GROUP CO., LTD.

(July 13, 1955)

June 2018

Auditor, The Norinchukin Bank (to present)

June 2022

Director, the Company (to present)

[Reasons for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and expected roles]

Mr. Masahiro Muroi has served as Representative Director of a major private think tank, accumulating a wealth of experience in and insight into corporate management and high expertise in IT. The Company nominates him as Outside Director as we expect that he will provide effective advice that will help improve the efficiency of business operation while supervising the Company's overall management.


Notes: 1. There is no special interest between any of the candidates and the Company.

  1. The numbers of shares of the Company held are the numbers of shares substantially held, which include each candidate's shareholding in Toda Corporation Officers' Shareholding Association.
  2. Mr. Toshihiko Itami, Ms. Kumi Arakane, and Mr. Masahiro Muroi are candidates for Outside Director. They are designated as candidates for independent directors as stipulated by the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and notified thereof to the Exchange.
  3. Mr. Toshihiko Itami, Ms. Kumi Arakane, and Mr. Masahiro Muroi currently serve as Outside Director of the Company. At the conclusion of this General Meeting of Shareholders, Mr. Toshihiko Itami will have served as Outside Director for six years, Ms. Kumi Arakane will have served as Outside Director for four years, and Mr. Masahiro Muroi will have served as Outside Director for two years.
  4. Mr. Toshihiko Itami has served as Advisor of Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu. The amount of monetary compensation paid by the Company to the law firm in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 was less than 0.1% of the law firm's total income.
  5. Although Ms. Kumi Arakane served as Executive Officer, Director, and Audit & Supervisory Board Member of KOSÉ Corporation until June 2019, she is not currently involved in the execution of KOSÉ Corporation's business. In addition, the amount of KOSÉ Corporation's construction transactions with the Company in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 was less than 0.1% of the Company's net sales.
  6. Although Mr. Masahiro Muroi served as Member of the Board and Representative Director of The Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., he is not currently involved in the execution of The Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.'s business. The amount of The Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.'s construction transactions with the Company in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 was less than 0.1% of the Company's net sales.
  7. To recruit talented people as Outside Directors of the Company, the Company stipulates in its Articles of Incorporation that it can enter into contracts with Outside Directors that limit the liability for damages to the Company to the minimum amount stipulated in laws and regulations. The Company has concluded this limited liability contract with Outside Director candidates, Mr. Toshihiko Itami, Ms. Kumi Arakane and Mr. Masahiro Muroi. The contracts will be retained if the reelection of the above three candidates is approved.
  8. The Company has entered into a directors and officers liability insurance contract with an insurance company as stipulated in Article 430-3, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act. The said insurance contract covers damages, litigation expense to be borne by the insured, in the event of a claim for damages caused by an act (including nonfeasance) in the course of their duties as directors and officers. However, the said insurance contract is not applicable to damages, etc. to directors and officers themselves who commit criminal acts or illegal acts deliberately, and measures are taken in order to prevent the impairment of the appropriateness of execution of duties by directors and officers. The insurance premiums are fully borne by the Company. The scope of the insured under the said insurance includes the directors, audit & supervisory board members, executive officers and managerial employees of the Company. If this proposal is approved as originally proposed, and candidates are reappointed, they will be insured under the said insurance contract. The Company plans to renew the said insurance contract with the same contents during their terms of office.
  9. Ms. Kumi Arakane's name in the family register is Ms. Kumi Kameyama.


Proposal No. 3 Election of One (1) Audit & Supervisory Board Member

The term of office of Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Ms. Junko Nishiyama, will expire at the conclusion of this Meeting. Accordingly, the Company proposes to elect one (1) Audit & Supervisory Board Member.

The candidate for Audit & Supervisory Board Member is as below. This Proposal has been approved by the Audit & Supervisory Board in advance.

Number of


Career summary and positions

shares of the



April 1979

Joined Lion Fat & Oil Co., Ltd. (currently Lion Corporation)

March 2006

Director, Finished Product Department, Purchasing Headquarters

March 2007

Director, Finished Product Purchasing, Production Coordinating

Department No.2, Production Headquarters

January 2009

Director, Packaging Engineering Research Laboratories, Research

& Development Headquarters

January 2014

Director, CSR Promotion Department

March 2015

Standing Corporate Auditor

March 2019

Outside Director, Member of the Audit Committee, EBARA




June 2019

Outside Director, JACCS CO., LTD.

Junko Nishiyama

June 2020

Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company (to


Reelection Candidate

March 2021

Outside Director, Member of the Compensation Committee,



March 2024

Outside Director, Member of the Audit Committee, EBARA


CORPORATION (to present)

(January 10, 1957)

[Reasons for nomination as candidate for Audit & Supervisory Board Member]

Ms. Junko Nishiyama has a wealth of experience and achievements in corporate management in general, including being

responsible for R&D, environmental activities, and other activities at a major healthcare company, as well as being involved

in auditing company-wide operations as a Standing Corporate Auditor. The Company renominates her as Outside Audit &

Supervisory Board Member as she has audited the execution of duties by Directors in an objective and fair manner based

on her wealth of experience and high level of insight.

Notes: 1. There is no special interest between candidate Ms. Junko Nishiyama and the Company.

  1. Ms. Junko Nishiyama is a candidate for Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member. She is designated as a candidate for an independent Audit & Supervisory Board member as stipulated by the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and notified thereof to the Exchange.
  2. Ms. Junko Nishiyama currently serves as Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member (outside) of the Company. At the conclusion of this General Meeting of Shareholders, he will have served as Audit & Supervisory Board Member for four years.
  3. Ms. Junko Nishiyama was with Lion Corporation until March 2019 and responsible for R&D, environmental activities, and other activities, as well as serving as Audit & Supervisory Board Member, but she is not currently involved in the execution of Lion Corporation's business. In addition, the amount of Lion Corporation's construction transactions with the Company in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 was less than 0.1% of the Company's net sales.
  4. To recruit talented people as Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company, the Company stipulates in its



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TODA Corporation published this content on 29 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 29 May 2024 00:17:00 UTC.