Tiger Logistics (India) Limited announced that ICICI Bank has signed an alliance partnership agreement with Tiger Logistics to facilitate integrated banking and end-to-end logistics for exporters and importers. This first-of-its-kind collaboration between ICICI Bank and an end-to-end global logistics company Tiger Logistics marks a significant milestone and synergy in the evolution of two distinct yet interlinked sectors - global logistics and banking, providing importers and exporters with a seamless and comprehensive shipping solution for their global trade requirements. This collaboration will seamlessly integrate the ICICI Trade Emerge platform with Tiger Logistics' proprietary digital freight booking and management platform, FreightJar.

This strategic alliance signifies a significant milestone in bridging the gap between the logistics and banking sectors. The partnership will empower exporters and importers with easy access to competitive freight rates and a comprehensive solution for their global trade needs. It will enable the Trade Emerge users to receive instant quotes, streamline documentation processes, and gain visibility into their shipments.

Furthermore, they can access quick financing options from ICICI Bank, simplifying their international trade operations.