Telia Lietuva, purchased a 2-hectare land plot near Vilnius, where it will build a new data center (DC). According to the plans, this will be the largest data centre in the country, and the company will invest EUR 10 million in its construction. At the beginning of 2022, Telia Lietuva took over the rights of ownership to the purchased 2-hectare land plot and plans to announce tenders for design and construction contractor works shortly.

The data centre in Raisteniškes, which is located next to the Vilnius-Panevežys highway, will be directly connected to the other two Telia Lietuva data centers in Vilnius, thus creating the largest data center infrastructure in the Baltic States. A growth in sales of Telia Lietuva IT services by more than 20 per cent for several consecutive years dictated the need for such a decision. The new data center, just like other data centres of Telia Lietuva, will be connected by fiber-optic cable ring, connecting it to all major backbone Internet networks using two independent fiber-optic connections laid in different routes.

This will allow the company to offer DC services distributed through two remote certified Uptime Institute Tier III or equivalent data centres.