Svas Biosana S.p.A. (BIT:SVS) commences share repurchases on May 22, 2023, under the program mandated by the Annual General Meeting held on May 16, 2023. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase up to €1.5 million worth of its shares, such that the company's holding in treasury together with the shares repurchased does not exceed 20% of its issued share capital at any point of time. The purchases will be made at a unitary price, neither lower nor higher than 15% of the official stock market price of the shares recorded by Borsa Italiana SpA in the session preceding each single transaction.

The repurchased shares will be used to carry out activities to support the liquidity of the shares, so as to favor the regular conduct of trading and avoid price movements not in line with the trend of the market, in accordance with the accepted pro-tempore market practices in force, incentivize and retain employees, collaborators, directors of the Company, any subsidiary companies and/or other categories of subjects chosen at the discretion of the Board of Directors (in the context of stock incentive plans, structured in any form eg stock options, stock grants or work for equity plans), use of the shares as consideration in extraordinary transactions, including the exchange of equity investments, with other subjects, to be carried out through exchange, contribution or other act of disposal and/or use, including the allocation to the service of debenture loans convertible into shares of the Companies or bonds with warrants; possibly being able to have, where deemed strategic for the Company, investment or divestment opportunities also in relation to available liquidity. The Program will have a duration of 18 months from the date of the resolution that took place on May 16, 2023. As of May 16, 2023, the Company holds 216,131 treasury shares.