GARCHING (dpa-AFX) - Chip supplier Suess Microtec has found a new group chief executive. The supervisory board appointed Burkhardt Frick as a member of the executive board and new CEO as of September 11, the company, which has been listed in the SDax small cap index again since May, announced on Wednesday. Frick has worked in the high-tech industry for around 30 years, including around 20 years in the mobile display and semiconductor business of Philips and since 2014 at industry supplier ASML, the company said. Frick's contract will initially run for three years, the statement added.

This puts an end to the search for a new chief executive. Bernd Schulte, who is leading Suess Microtec on a transitional basis, will return to the supervisory board as planned on September 11, the statement added. Schulte had taken the helm last year for Gotz Bendele, who had initially rested his post to care for a seriously ill family member. In December, Suess had then announced that Bendele would not return to the board.

Also on Wednesday, Suess Microtec announced that the management board contract of Chief Operating Officer Thomas Rohe, who is responsible for day-to-day operations, will be extended by three more years until April 30, 2027.

In addition, Cornelia Ballwießer will start as Chief Financial Officer on July 1 - as known since April. She succeeds Oliver Albrecht, who did not wish to extend his contract./mis/jha/