Sustainability at a glance

2023 performance

ST at a glance

Jean-Marc Chery

President and CEO

Sustainability is not just a corporate responsibility, but a core component of our value proposition delivering benefits to our company, our customers, and to society. I am proud of what ST employees have achieved throughout the year, and we remain committed to doing more.

Research & Development

Main Sales & Marketing



• one of the world's largest semiconductor companies

• 2023 revenues of US$17.3 billion

• listed: NYSE, Euronext Paris and Borsa Italiana, Milan

• 50,000+ employees worldwide

• 9,500+ people working in R&D

• 14 manufacturing sites

• over 80 Sales & Marketing offices serving over 200,000 customers across the globe

• signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

• member of the Responsible

As of December 31, 2023

We create unique innovations and products that solve real-world problems. Our products are built using various fundamental semiconductor process technologies. Our chips and systems are an essential part of billions of products, from electric cars and industrial robots, through washing machines and solar panels, to smartphones and satellite communications equipment. Our technology helps our customers make all these products more autonomous, more energy-efficient, more connected, safer, and more secure. Our strategy is based on long-term trends: cloud-connected autonomous things, power and energy, and smart mobility. These trends drive the evolving requirements of our customers and our solutions across the four end markets we address - Automotive; Industrial; Personal Electronics; and Communications Equipment, Computers and Peripherals.

We believe that technology has a critical role to play in addressing the environmental, social, and economic challenges facing our world today. We are committed to developing innovative technologies and products that enable the transformation of our economies and societies through digitalization, smarter mobility,

and decarbonization."

Our value proposition

For our shareholders

For our customers

For all our stakeholders

Return value in line

Provide differentiating


with our objective


to sustainability

Sustainable and profitable

Independent, reliable and

Our values:


secure supply chain

Integrity - People - Excellence


Business Alliance (RBA)


Our business model

Value created


Engaged and skilled people in an inclusive and safe workplace



Main steps in our value chain

  • average of 49 hours of training per employee
  • 87% of employees recommend ST as a great place to work
  • 0.14 total recordable case rate (injuries and illnesses) for employees and contractors


Sustainable financial performance

  • 50,000+ employees
  • 122 nationalities
  • 35% women, 65% men
  • Average age: 41


  • US$24.45 billion total assets
  • US$4.11 billion capital expenditures
  • US$3.16 billion net financial position



We purchase raw materials, equipment, energy, gas, chemicals and services from many suppliers and subcontractors.

R&D concept


and design


New products

Manufacturing chips

are created in a

requires around

multi-step process

400 separate stages,

including architecture

starting with a plain

conception, electrical

wafer, and resulting

layout, electrical and

in the etching of

logic simulation, chip

several hundreds to

layout and generation

thousands of dies.

of the masks that will

be used to etch the

design in silicon.



Product use

wafer sorting


and end of life

Dies on the wafer

The dies are cut

We offer a large

are electrically

from the silicon

portfolio of


wafer before being

products suitable

This step is known

assembled in a

for the wide range

as wafer sort or

package. The chips

of applications


are then tested prior

addressed by our

to delivery to the



• US$17.29 billion net revenues

• US$4.04 billion salaries and benefits

• US$489 million income tax paid

• US$223 million cash dividends


Innovative products and solutions

  • ~20,000 active and pending patents
  • 82% of new products classified sustainable technology
  • 10.2% of revenues generated by new product lines


Responsible and effective

  • 9,500+ employees in R&D
  • US$2.1 billion R&D investments
  • 195 R&D partnerships


  • 14 main manufacturing sites in 9 different countries
  • ~64% of employees in manufacturing
  • 6,000+ suppliers


  • 3,077GWh of energy consumed
  • 71% of renewable electricity
  • ~24 million m3 of water withdrawn
  • ~6,500 chemicals used

Social and relationship

  • ST values and Code of Conduct
  • US$3.5 million cash donated by ST to local communities
  • 156,000+ hours donated

4 to local communities

Management of our impacts


We require our suppliers to implement the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) standards and encourage ISO and OHSAS certifications to address ethics, social, environmental, health and safety risks.

We participate in the Responsible Minerals Initiative.


Through our Sustainable Technology program we design products systematically taking into consideration the environmental impact of the device during its whole lifecycle, including raw materials, transportation, manufacturing, usage and end of life.


We protect the health and safety of our employees through advanced management systems and certification. We implement our Code of Conduct and the RBA standards in all our sites to mitigate our ethics and labor and human rights risks, and carry out regular assessments and audits in all our production sites.


We deploy programs to reduce our direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from all our operations, including Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs), which have a very long atmospheric lifetime and high global warming potential.

We minimize the environmental, health and safety risks related to the chemicals and materials used in the manufacturing process, by basing the selection, handling, and substitution on the precautionary principles.

We are continually reducing our water footprint through reuse and recycling and all our wastewater is treated before being discharged into the environment.

We reduce, reuse, recycle or recover as much of our waste as possible, rather than sending it to incineration or landfill.

Unless otherwise stated, all data refer to 2023.

business operations

  • 200,000+ customers served
  • ISO 9001, 14001, 14064, 22301, 50001, 45001 and IATF certifications
  • 100% of largest manufacturing sites covered by RBA audits
  • 71% of suppliers' agreement to comply with ST business ethics and corporate responsibility standard


Mitigation of the impact of our activities

  • 45% decrease in GHG emissions scopes 1 and 2 vs 2018
    (in absolute value)
  • 96% of waste reused, recovered or recycled
  • 42% of water recycled or reused

Social and relationship

Knowledge and values shared with all

• 225,000+ beneficiaries in local communities

• 810+ volunteering initiatives worldwide

• 1,095,000+ people trained on computer basics by ST Foundation since 2003


Our sustainability goals (SG)

2023 highlights


Status end of 2023

We create technology for a sustainable world


Generate at least 20% of our revenues from new product lines by 2025.



Generate at least 33% of our revenues from our Sustainable Technology's most


advanced responsible products by 2027.

We prioritize people


Reach a Total Recordable Case Rate of 0.15% or less by 2025 (work-related injuries


and illnesses, including contractors).


Maintain our Severity Rate at 2% or less each year (work-related injuries and


illnesses, including contractors).


Get 100% of ST's largest manufacturing sites recognized for social responsibility by


external international bodies by 2025.


Engage employees in deploying STEM partnerships in 20 countries by 2025.

18 out of 20 countries


Recruit at least 30% women in all exempt positions every year.



Reach at least 20% women in every management level by 2025.

27% junior managers

21% experienced managers

16% director and senior managers

14% executives

We protect the planet


Be carbon neutral by 2027 in all direct and indirect emissions from scope 1 and 2,

906KT net CO2 eq emissions

and focusing on product transportation, business travel and employee commuting

emissions for scope 3.


Adopt 100% renewable energy sources by 2027 through energy procurement

71% of total electricity

and green energy installations.

(65% of total energy)


Implement programs to reduce energy consumption by at least 150 GWh

27GWh saved in 2023

per year by 2027.

139GWh saved since 2018


Reduce energy consumption per wafer by 20% in 2025 vs 2016.



Improve our water efficiency by 20% by 2025 vs 2016.



Recycle at least 50% of the water used each year.



Ensure an annual landfill waste rate below 3%.



Reuse or recycle 95% of our waste by 2025.


We generate long-term value for all stakeholders


Ensure every year that 100% of our employees have access to and are aware of our

100% have access

Ethics Hotline

For awareness actions, see

Living our values


Ensure every year that 100% of exempt employees sign an agreement to comply


with our Code of Conduct and related procedures.


Follow highest standards for 100% of the materials we use: Hazardous Substances

HSPM: 97%

Process Management (IECQ080000) and responsible sourcing initiatives, such as RMI.

RMI: 100%


Conduct an annual risk assessment of our supply chain and audit 100% of

Risk assessment conducted

our high-risk suppliers by 2025.

Audit: 49% with valid audit (2 year

cycle - 263/537 facilities at risk


Further reduce defects by 20% per production unit by 2027 (vs 2020).



employee engagement rate


of our products are conflict-mineral free



of waste reused,

included in

recovered or

World and Europe




hours of volunteering donated to communities


scope 1& 2 emissions

in absolute vs 2018


of renewable energy


total recordable case rate (employees and contractors)

SG22 Achieve an employee engagement rate of at least 10 percentage points above local

2 out of 13 countries

norms in all major countries by 2025.


Annually report our progress on all our long-term goals, following the most

Sustainability reporting according

advanced standards.



Maintain certification for 100% of manufacturing sites

89% certified

6 (ISO 14001, ISO 45001,ISO 14064, ISO 50001).





employees trained on DEI



Sustainability strategy

Living our values

For three decades, our business model has been built on a foundation of sustainability. Our ambition is to create sustainable technology for a sustainable world, creating long-term value for all our stakeholders. We strongly believe that our dedication to a sustainable culture is beneficial for people, the environment, the economy, and society. We carry out a materiality exercise every year, including a review with our main stakeholders. This allows us to focus our

See something?



Putting integrity, respect and accountability at the core of our decision-making process is vital to support our ambition, create value, and earn the trust of our stakeholders. Our vision speaks for itself: we want to be everywhere microelectronics brings a positive contribution to people's lives. We must reflect this in everything we do. We believe business integrity is everyone's job and responsibility, and that conducting our business with the highest ethical standards is critical to our long-term success.

efforts on the most relevant issues and integrate them into our strategy, programs, and objectives. The most material topics we identified in 2023 were health and safety, GHG emissions, water efficiency, and human rights. Our guiding principles and 24 sustainability goals are detailed in our sustainability charter, which is available at www.st.com/sustainabilitycharter.

Rajita D'Souza

President, Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility

2023 marked yet another acceleration of sustainability at ST. We see sustainability as a question of systemic


We behave with openness, trust and simplicity; we are ready to share our knowledge, encourage everyone's contribution, develop our people through empowerment, teamwork and training; each one

of us is committed and personally involved in the continuous improvement process.


We conduct our business with the highest ethical standards, honor our commitments, deliver on our promises, are loyal and fair and stand up for what is right.


We strive for quality and customer satisfaction and create value for all our partners; we are flexible, encourage innovation, develop our competences, seek responsibility and are accountable for our actions; we act with discipline, base our decisions on facts, and focus on the priorities.

balance. Economic, social, and environmental issues are interdependent, and many decisions need to be taken to balance short- and long-term needs, risk and opportunities, mitigation, and adaptation, among others. There are many factors that shape our sustainability strategy. We engage closely with all our stakeholders to strictly monitor their needs and expectations. We are operating within an increasingly complex and volatile environment, which presents many local and global challenges. To address these, we aim to be agile, adapting our approach where necessary while remaining true to our core beliefs and strategy."


Speak up

and reporting

of concerns

We encourage everyone, including our external business partners, to speak up and report any concerns they might have regarding possible violations of our Code of Conduct, policies, or the law. Our managers are accountable for creating a working atmosphere where employees feel comfortable speaking up and expressing their concerns freely. We take all concerns raised seriously and review them thoroughly. To make it easy for our employees, business partners, and stakeholders to report any concerns, we have an independent multilingual Ethics Hotline that is available 24/7 online or via phone. We communicate this Ethics Hotline to all employees through various channels, including our Code of Conduct, dedicated intranet web pages, and our ST Integrity app. A link to our Ethics Hotline is also accessible on our intranet, our website, many communication and training materials, and our ST Integrity app.



everybody's life


billion net revenue

Sustainable financial performance

2023 was another year characterized by revenue growth and increased profitability. Our net revenues increased 7.2% to US$17.29 billion in 2023, driven by strong demand in Automotive and, to a lesser extent, Industrial, partially offset by lower revenues in Personal Electronics. Gross margin was 47.9%, up from 47.3% in 2022; operating margin was 26.7%, down from 27.5%; and net income increased 6.3% to US$4.21 billion. We invested US$4.11 billion in net capital expenditure and increased our free cashflow by 11.3% to US$1.77 billion. Our net financial position increased to US$3.16 billion on December 31, 2023, from US$1.8 billion the previous year.


9,500 +


included in

people working

of revenue from

World and Europe

in R&D

responsible products




Innovation is a crucial element that propels our growth and helps us achieve our

business goals. Our focus is on creating technology-based products that provide

solutions to real world challenges and contribute to a sustainable future. The focus

active R&D

of our innovation and the evolution of our technology is centered on three long-


term trends reshaping industry and society and supporting the transition to a more

sustainable world. These trends are: smart mobility, power and energy and cloud-

connected autonomous things.


launch of product stewardship program


customers satisfied with online support

Sustainable technology

Since launching our product stewardship program in 2011, we have applied a robust product lifecycle approach. This means we seek to improve the social and environmental impact at every stage of a product's life. Our lifecycle assessment (LCA) methodology has been developed in line with ISO standards 14040 and 14044.

Our sustainable technology program enables us to classify our products into four categories, power-efficient products, low-carbon products, green applications and well-being applications.

In 2023, we identified 82% of our new products as responsible, compared to 77% in 2022.

Customer satisfaction

Building strong and trusting relationships with our customers, considering their needs, and serving them effectively is essential for our business. This includes the range, performance, quality, and reliability of our products, as well as our approach to the environment, health and safety, and social responsibility. Among the most important factors influencing customer satisfaction at ST are sustainability, product quality, and continuous dialog. We prioritize traceability and openly communicate the environmental and social impacts of our products to our customers. This includes information on product compliance, material declaration, working conditions, environmental impact, and the sourcing of materials.





safety field visits

people first

by managers

Health and safety

Health and safety is a constant priority at ST. We protect our employees and contractors by preventing work-related injuries and illnesses and providing a safe working environment. We believe it is essential to invest in healthcare and the well- being of our people for a positive and productive workforce. These values are shared and reinforced across all our sites. We have implemented a robust health and safety management system throughout our Company. Through the collective efforts of our sites, in 2023, our employee recordable injury case rate was 0.10, better than our target of 0.13.

Labor and human rights




total recordable



case rate for

trained on DEI

engagement rate

employees and



of employees covered by RBA audits


average hours training per employee


women in our workforce

We aim to uphold the highest standards of labor and human rights, placing it at the core of our strategy and culture. We do this by developing and implementing robust due diligence programs to identify, prevent, mitigate, and remediate actual and potential risks, both within our operations and throughout our supply chain. We joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) in 2005 and are currently a full member. We are committed to respecting salient human rights issues including: freely chosen employment, prevention of underage labor and protection of young workers, fair organization of working time, fair wages and benefits, fair treatment and anti- harassment, non-discrimination, freedom of association, fair working conditions and employee well-being and privacy of personal information.

Talent attraction and engagement

As a fast growing and inclusive high-tech leader, recruiting and retaining the best talent is a critical cornerstone to supporting and sustaining our business growth ambitions. We aim to be recognized as a market-leading, attractive, people- centric organization; an innovative employer where entrepreneurial spirit, feedback, cooperation, responsibility, and leadership are the norm.

Our 2023 employee survey consisted of 75 questions covering key categories including engagement, organizational agility, quality, and customer focus. We offer a short-term incentive scheme to almost 23,000 employees. As well as rewarding operational performance, it also recognizes the achievement of our sustainability objectives through a dedicated sustainability index.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

We are convinced that DEI have a positive impact on innovation and stakeholder engagement, as well as personal and Company growth. Our DEI vision is, "At ST, you can be the true version of yourself". To help us achieve this, we accelerated our efforts towards a cultural transformation of the Company in 2023. Our ambition remains to attract, recruit, and retain a diverse workforce by offering equitable and inclusive workplace opportunities, including flexible working. We also aim

to overcome stereotypes by continuously reinforcing an inclusive mindset that recognizes the value and richness of a diverse workforce.

In 2023, we established a strong focus on setting up Employee resource groups (ERGs) to promote inclusion in the workplace.



Happy employees at ST

Protecting the environment




of water recycled


of waste is reused,

and reused

electricity used

recovered or sent

for recycling


scope 1&2 emissions

(vs 2018)


for CDP water security


waste concept prioritized


hours of chemical- related training


sites assessed on biodiversity

Energy and climate change

In 2020, we announced our commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2027 on scope 1 and 2, and partially scope 3. Our carbon neutrality program comprises five main workstreams: reducing our direct emissions, investing in energy saving, using renewable energies, minimizing our indirect emissions from transportation, offsetting remaining emissions.

In 2023, we decreased our scope 1 and 2 related GHG emissions by 45% vs 2018. We increased the use of renewable electricity from 62% in 2022, to 71% in 2023.


Tackling the numerous challenges of water supply has been part of our strategy since 1993 and becomes more important year after year. Our comprehensive management approach includes water stress assessments, conservation programs, water efficiency, and wastewater treatment. All ST sites manage their water-related risks according to their needs and water availability.

In 2023, ST joined the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS), which provides a globally recognized best practice framework to guide water management at sites using water.


We have developed a comprehensive waste management strategy to limit our negative impacts. We focus on the classification, separation, and safe disposal of waste using an approach driven by local regulations and Company policy. Our priority is to reduce, reuse, and recycle and we consider landfill and incineration to be a last resort.

In 2023, 96% of the waste generated by our operations was either reused, recovered, or sent for recycling, one percentage point higher than 2022.


We carefully manage the chemical substances and materials we use throughout our operations. This allows us to monitor and address our impacts on people and the environment and to comply with legal and customer requirements.

In 2023, we recorded approximately 6,500 chemicals in use across all sites, and conducted more than 700 new risk assessments, achieving nearly 23,000 validated risk assessments by the end of the year.


At ST, we maintain a vigilant and proactive approach to protecting the environment and we recognize the need for concrete actions to help preserve and restore biodiversity. Our approach is centered on three key pillars that help to define our biodiversity roadmap: minimizing our impact, protecting and restoring, engaging local stakeholders.



Aerofree cooling equipment, ST Rousset, France



supplier employees








of our products are

beneficiaries of

responsibility audits


STEM your way

since 2015


member since 2011


people trained through DU program

Responsible supply chain

With over 6,000 direct suppliers worldwide, our supply chain has a significant potential impact on people and the environment. Our ambition is to source responsibly to create state-of-the-art technologies that contribute to a more sustainable world.

Our program runs across all our operations and throughout the lifecycle of our supplier relationships. We monitor our suppliers using social, environmental, and governance criteria, auditing those that are classified as high-risk.

To identify, prevent and mitigate sustainability risks, we conduct regular risk assessments of our supply chain. In 2023 we launched a company-wide program dedicated to carbon footprint assessment. The assessment covers 95 suppliers representing more than 60% of our annual spend in 2022.

Responsible mineral sourcing

At ST, we have developed a holistic approach to identify, manage, and monitor responsible mineral sourcing. We are closely engaged with our suppliers and conduct due diligence in our sub-tier supply chain. We acknowledge the critical role of minerals in the green transition. It is therefore our priority to ensure we do not procure raw materials that have a negative impact on people, and we actively seek solutions to limit our impact on the environment. As part of our strategy to address this risk, we joined the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) in 2011.

In 2023, all our products were conflict-mineral free.

Community and education

We support the communities where we operate by contributing to local ecosystems which enrich and create value. Our activities include industry and academic partnerships, and community development initiatives. We are passionate about sharing science and engineering with young people. We encourage our employees to engage in our programs, which support our sustainability strategy and are adapted to the local context.

In 2023, we implemented more than 810 community and education initiatives worldwide, at 42 sites in 23 different countries. We also began the roll out of our employee engagement tool, ST4Good. The digital platform provides access to volunteering activities and makes it easier for employees to contribute to community initiatives.

ST Foundation

The mission of the ST Foundation is to develop, coordinate, and sponsor projects that use modern science to promote progress and sustainable development.

In 2023, the foundation's flagship Digital Unify (DU) program reached a significant milestone, having impacted over one million individuals since its inception

20 years ago.



STEM event, ST Catania, Italy

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Awards 2023 overview

The SDGs set by the United Nations define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030, highlighting the world's biggest social and environmental challenges.

As a multinational company, we believe we have a responsibility and a role to play to help achieve these goals. We mapped the 17 SDGs to our material topics and business strategy. We then identified the 11 goals that are most relevant to our sustainability strategy.

Our performance against these SDGs is highlighted throughout this report.








Supplier Sustainability Award

ST received a supplier Sustainability Award from GoPro, a US technology manufacturer. The award recognizes ST's long-term commitment to sustainability and our collaborative efforts with all stakeholders. A wide range of environmental and social criteria were assessed

GSA Women's Leadership Initiative

One of our employees, Aradhana Kumari, based at

Top 100 Global InnovatorsInitiative

ST was named among the Top

100 Global Innovators™ 2023 by Clarivate™.

The ranking acknowledges companies and organizations

  • We aim to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all.
  • We are engaged in minimizing risks of negative impact on people due to our activities.



We support education

in all the countries

where we operate.

We develop the

  • We aspire to achieve full gender equality.
  • Our Women in Leadership program prepares the next generation of women leaders.



  • We are committed to reducing our water consumption and recycling more.
  • All our wastewater is treated before being discharged into the environment.
  • We strive for zero waste in landfill.



  • We apply a zero tolerance approach to forced labor.
  • We assess and mitigate social risks in our extended supply chain.
  • We focus on providing a safe workplace with zero injuries and zero occupational diseases.



  • We promote open innovation and partner with a wide range of universities and research institutes throughout the world.



  • We strive for zero waste in landfill, reduce our consump- tion of chemicals and eliminate hazardous materials.



  • We are committed to being carbon neutral by 2027.
  • We deploy programs to reduce our GHG emissions.
  • We actively participate in industry initiatives for action on climate change.

for the award, including renewable energy use, waste and water reduction, conflict minerals, and new employee sustainability training.

The Philippines'

Best Employers

ST was named as one of the Philippines' Best Employers 2023 in an independent ranking by the Philippine Daily Inquirer and Statista. The ranking was the result of extensive research that evaluated criteria such as salary, work-life balance, and work environment.

our Greater Noida site (India), received the 'Female Up & Comer' Award from the Global Semiconductor Alliance Women's Leadership Initiative. The award recognizes emerging talent in the semiconductor industry and is a testament to Aradhana's exceptional contribution towards innovation and growth.

Manager's Award

Jean-Marc Chery, our President and CEO, received the 'Manager's Award' at the 2023 Digital Technologies awards organized by Télécom

that are at the forefront of innovation, driving significant advances in their industries. ST creates unique technologies and products that provide solutions for a more sustainable future.

Top Employer

in France and Italy

ST was recognized as one of the Top Employers 2024 (based on 2023 performance) in both France and Italy by the Top Employers Institute. These are the fourth and third consecutive years, respectively, that ST has received these awards.

They highlight our strong performance in areas such as ethics and integrity, talent acquisition, employer branding, learning, and work environment.

competence of our

employees through a

blended approach.

  • We deploy programs to improve energy efficiency in all our manufacturing sites.

We promote equal

opportunities for all.

Our ambition is to be

a leader in cultural and

disability inclusion.

Our ST Foundation

is bridging the digital


  • As a member of the Responsible Business Alliance and other industry associations, we share knowledge and expertise to help achieve the SDGs.

Paris alumni. This prestigious award recognizes his outstanding leadership and longstanding contribution to the microelectronics industry. The event, which has been held for 25 years, honors key players in the digital transformation of society.






STMicroelectronics NV published this content on 28 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 28 June 2024 16:47:25 UTC.