SThree plc announced unaudited consolidated earnings results for year ended November 30, 2015. For the period, the company reported revenue of £848.8 million compared to £746.9 million a year ago. Adjusted Operating profit was £41.5 million compared to £29.8 million a year ago.

Adjusted Profit before taxation was £40.8 million compared to £29.3 million a year ago. Operating profit was £38.4 million compared to £29.8 million a year ago. Profit before taxation was £37.72 million compared to £29.3 million a year ago.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the company was £26,665,000 or 19.9 pence diluted per share compared to £15,919,000 or 11.9 pence diluted per share a year ago. Net cash generated from operating activities was £46,846,000 compared to £5,984,000 a year ago. Purchase of property, plant and equipment was £3,563,000 compared to £2,720,000 a year ago.

Purchase of intangible assets was £5,060,000 compared to £3,192,000 a year ago. Statutory PBT after exceptional items was up 59% year over year at £38.1 million compared to £24.0 million a year ago. Statutory Operating profit was £38.8 million compared to £24.5 million a year ago.

Strongly improved balance sheet position with year-end net cash of £6.2 million, up £16.1 million year on year (2014: net debt of £9.9 million), despite adverse FX movements.