On January 31, 2024, Strategic Organizing Center announced that from time to time, it may make the following communications, or substantially similar variations thereon, to shareholders of Starbucks Corporation via the Strategic Organizing Center?s social media channels and may refer to the attached article from the Financial Times. Strategic Organizing stated that the Financial Times recently covered its campaign at the Company to improve oversight of the Company's human capital management approach by installing highly qualified directors - Maria Echaveste, Hon, Joshua Gotbaum, and Wilma Liebman. Strategic Organizing suggested that to read more here:https://bit.ly/SOCBoardroomBattle.#BrewABetterStarbucks.

Strategic Organizing suggested to the Company shareholders that to protect their investment by installing directors with fresh perspectives and the right expertise to help improve oversight and chart a better path for all Company stakeholders. In addition, Strategic Organizing urged the vote for the SOC?s qualified nominees by calling (877) 285-5990. Visit www.BrewABetterStarbucks.com to learn more about its campaign.
