SRJ Technologies Group plc announced that the Company has been awarded a further contract in West Africa for the long-term lease of its flange bolt integrity equipment for a major hot bolting campaign. The contract win, via our
local partner EnerMech, arrives after the successful completion of hot bolting service offshore Ghana and Ivory Coast using SRJ's proprietary "BoltEx® flange clamp" technology. SRJ proprietary "BoltEx®" equipment will be deployed onboard an ageing major FPSO operator and will be undertaken in conjunction with EnerMech, utilising local personnel who have been trained by SRJ to undertake hot bolting using BoltEx®. SRJ will be supporting such
nationalisation programmes with all its contractors in its fields of operation. With an initial AUD 144,000 for the first four weeks already invoiced, further rental periods are expected given the equipment remains deployed.