The board of directors of SingAsia Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Lin Jian Feng ("Mr. Lin") has been appointed as the independent non-executive Director of the Company, the Chairman of the Nomination Committee, a member of each of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration committee (the "Remuneration Committee") of the Company with effect from 1 March 2023. Mr. Lin Jian Feng, aged 35, obtained a bachelor degree in Business Administration from National Chengchi University in Taiwan. Mr. Lin worked in management role for many years.

As an experienced chief executive, Mr. Lin specialises in business development, employee management, performance management and marketing strategy. Under the letter of appointment entered into between Mr. Lin and the Company, the appointment will take effect from 1 March 2023 for a term of two years, provided that his employment may be terminated at any time on expiry of not less than three months' written notice given by any party. His directorship in the Company is subject to retirement and re-election at general meetings of the Company in accordance with the articles of association of the Company.

Mr. Lin is entitled to receive a remuneration of HKD 96,000 per annum. His remuneration package was determined by the Board with recommendation of the Remuneration Committee after considering a range of factors including his experience, his duties and responsibilities in the Group, the remuneration structure of the Group and levels of remuneration for peers in the market.