HAMBURG (dpa-AFX Broker) - The private bank Berenberg has left Siemens Energy at "Buy" with a target price of 33 euros in view of acute share price losses on the day the study was published. The pending India burden, cited in a negative study by another investment bank, is "not news", but most investors are well aware of it. He has taken it into account in his model, even if the exact amount is unclear at the moment. The background to this is the India deal, in which Siemens helped its former subsidiary by purchasing shares in its India business worth billions at the end of 2023. Siemens Energy must buy back the Siemens stake at market value in 2028./ag/tih

Publication of the original study: 04.06.2024 / 11:03 / GMT

First disclosure of the original study: Date not specified in study / Time not specified in study / Time zone not specified in study


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