On May 6, 2014 and after having decided to maintain the unification of the roles of Chairman and CEO for Mr. Jean-Pascal Tricoire, the Board of Directors of Schneider Electric S.A. has appointed Mr. Léo Apotheker in the role of Vice- chairman and independent lead director. He will take over from Mr. Henri Lachmann who had only accepted this function for a duration of one year. The Board of Directors has selected the new members of its committees after reviewing the names and competencies of the committees.

The name of the Governance committee is changing to the Governance and remunerations committee to reflect that it will now deal with questions relating to executives directors' remunerations. Those questions were previously handled by the Remunerations, human resources and social responsibility committee, which now becomes Human resources and CSR committee. The composition of the committees is the following: Governance and remunerations committee: Mr. Léo Apotheker, Chairman, Mr. Claude Bebear, Mr. Willy Kissling, Mr. Richard Thoman; Audit and risk committee: Mr. Gérard de La Martiniere, Chairman, Mr. Noël Forgeard, Mr. Antoine Gosset-Grainville, Ms. Lone Fønss Schrøder.

Human resources and CSR committee: Mr. Henri Lachmann, Chairman, Ms. Magali Herbaut, Mr. Willy Kissling, Ms. Linda Knoll, Ms. Cathy Kopp. Strategy committee: Mr. Xavier Fontanet, Chairman, Mr. Léo Apotheker, Ms. Betsy Atkins, Mr. Noël Forgeard, Mr. Jeong Kim.