FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Sartorius came under considerable pressure again on Wednesday. With a double-digit percentage loss, they slid towards their lowest price since April 2020, reached at the end of October. Most recently, they were the weakest stock in the DAX, losing ten percent to 219.40 euros.

The shares of subsidiary Sartorius Stedim Biotech also lost a similar amount on Euronext. In the wake of Sartorius' share price losses, the DAX-listed shares of the diagnostics group Qiagen also fell by almost five percent.

The Gottingen-based biotech supplier is taking part in a Citigroup healthcare conference in London this Wednesday. There have been no announcements from Sartorius so far. It was heard from the trade that Sartorius could have continued to be cautious about the demand for equipment./ajx/jha/