FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - The shares of Sartorius recovered somewhat further on Wednesday from their previous day's low since 2020 at just under 200 euros. In the morning, the preference shares of the pharmaceutical and laboratory equipment manufacturer were back up to 222 euros. However, with a drop of one third, they remain the weakest DAX stock in 2024.

Analyst Richard Vosser from the bank JPMorgan compared his estimates with the market consensus in a current outlook for the quarterly report in mid-July. He is three percent lower for the operating result (EBIT) and even 5 percent lower for the subsidiary Sartorius Stedim Biotech. According to Vosser, the company expects to lower its annual targets. However, the picture painted at the most recent Capital Markets Day has not changed recently. Sartorius would then have to be measured against the new outlook in order to gradually regain lost confidence.

Vosser assumes that Sartorius will row back to stable or at best slightly higher sales revenue for 2024. So far, growth in the mid-single-digit percentage range has been announced./ag/mis


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