Saab has signed a contract for deliveries of the Sabertooth Autonomous Underwater Vehicle/Remotely Operated Vehicle (AUV/ROV). Deliveries will take place during 2018. With this contract, the customer has ordered the first vehicles in a planned fleet of Sabertooth vehicles. Under the agreement, Saab and the customer will work together to further develop this game-changing, innovative vehicle and its applications in the field of subsea Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR), survey and intervention work. The contract comprises a suite of advanced survey sensors. The Sabertooth system has been configured to allow additional sensors, which can be quickly integrated to meet project specific applications. The Sabertooth has proven to be a rugged and highly capable system, which is ideal for the varied maintenance and operational markets supported by the customer. Sabertooth can be uniquely operated in both fully autonomous (AUV) and tethered (ROV) modes, enabling fully flexible dual operations from one platform. The vehicle's capability can be applied across the range of subsea operations from site investigation surveys through to decommissioning support.