

Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ): 71.550.388/0001-42 Company Registry (NIRE): 35.300.170.865

Publicly-Held Company


Rumo Logística Operadora Multimodal S.A. (BM&FBovespa: RUMO3) ("Rumo" or "Company"), pursuant to article 12 of the CVM Instruction nº 358, dated January 3, 2002, as amended by CVM Instruction nº 568, dated September 17, 2015, hereby informs that, the Company received correspondence from Eminence Capital, LP ("Eminence"), by which informed the Company that, acting on behalf of its investment advisory clients, it has economic exposure to 31,997,176 common shares, representing 10.70% of all common shares issued by Rumo.

Furthermore, Eminence informs that, on behalf of its investment advisory clients, it also holds certain cash-settled derivative instruments referencing the Company's common shares, which gives its investment advisory clients economic exposure to three million, eight hundred and sixty nine thousand, two hundred (3,869,200) common shares, representing 1.29% of all common shares issued by the Company.

Combined holdings of Eminence total 35,866,376 common shares, representing 11.99% of the total common shares issued by Rumo.

Santos, January 20, 2016

Jose Cezário Menezes de Barros Sobrinho

Vice-President of Finance and Investor Relations Officer

For additional information, please enter into contact with the Company's Investor Relations area:

Phone: +55 (11) 3897-9797 / (41) 2141-7459

Email: ir@rumoall.com Guilherme Machado - IR Manager Luiz Sperotto - IR

Fernanda Rosa - IR

Rumo Logística Operadora Multimodal SA issued this content on 2016-01-20 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-20 20:53:11 UTC

Original Document: http://ri.rumoall.com/services/_pub/siteri-1/redirect.asp?grupo=7445&idioma=enu&arquivo=2016 01 20_Rumo_Comunicado ao Mercado_Aquisio de participao relevante_eng.pdf&tipo=arquivo&protocolo_atual=