Route Mobile Limited (Route Mobile) has signed an exclusive SMS firewall solution and connectivity service agreement with a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) in Sri Lanka to provide an end-to-end A2P monetization suite for all international A2P SMS' terminating on its network. Under the terms of the agreement, Route Mobile will serve as the exclusive partner of the MNO for a duration of 2 (two) years, as the company looks to strengthen its market position and increase its presence in Sri Lanka. As part of the exclusive engagement, Route Mobile will provide its comprehensive real-time AI/ML based A2P SMS Firewall solution to the Sri Lanka based MNO.

The firewall solution will enable the MNO optimize monetization, by effectively monitoring, identifying and filtering grey route international A2P SMS traffic terminating on its network. Route Mobile will also provide managed services related to the firewall solution to the MNO. Further, as an exclusive partner, Route Mobile will leverage its reach with large global enterprises to drive international A2P SMS traffic termination on the Sri Lankan MNO's network.