Rolls-Royce Holdings plc announced that it has agreed to pay £671 million to settle bribery and corruption charges with UK, US and Brazilian regulators. In its statement, the company said it in principle reached a Deferred Prosecution Agreement or DPA with the UK Serious Fraud Office or SFO, which was the subject of a preliminary court ruling. The proposed DPA is subject to final judicial approval and the SFO and Rolls-Royce will appear at court on January 17 to seek this approval. In addition, Rolls-Royce has also reached a DPA with the US Department of Justice or DoJ and a Leniency Agreement with Brazil's Ministerio-publico-federal or MPF. These agreements relate to bribery and corruption involving intermediaries in a number of overseas markets, concerns about which the company passed to the SFO from 2012 onwards. These are voluntary agreements which result in the suspension of a prosecution provided that the company fulfils certain requirements, including the payment of a financial penalty. If finalized, these agreements in total would result in the payment of approximately £671 million. Under the deal terms, Rolls-Royce will pay £497.25 million plus interest under a schedule lasting up to five years, plus a payment in respect of the SFO's costs. Rolls-Royce has also agreed to make payments to the DoJ totaling $169.92 million and to the MPF totaling $25.58 million.