RENOVA, Inc. has been proceeding with commissioning at The Tokushima-Tsuda Biomass Power Plant ("Tokushima-Tsuda," hereafter) and Ishinomaki Hibarino Biomass Power Plant ("Ishinomaki Hibarino," hereafter) toward start of operation in September 2023. However, due to further time requirement for final adjustments of boiler and turbine facilities to ensure long-term stable operation at both plants, the schedules for the start of operation have been adjusted to December 2023 (planned) for Tokushima-Tsuda and October 2023 (planned) for Ishinomaki Hibarino. Note that FIT-based electricity sale has been commenced at both plants during the period of trial operation.

The FIT electricity sale periods are from February 2023 to January 2043 for Tokushima-Tsuda, and June 2023 to May 2043 for Ishinomaki Hibarino.