RENHENG Enterprise Holdings Limited provided earnings guidance for the year ended December 31, 2022. For the year, the group expected expected to record a loss after tax of the range from approximately HKD 2.1 million to approximately HKD 2.5 million for the Relevant Period, as compared to the profit after tax of approximately HKD 0.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2021. The Board believes that the primary reasons for the abovementioned loss are mainly the decrease in the revenue and the gross profit due to the postponement of deliveries or installations of the construction contracts of casing and flavoring system and the other products due to the impacts from Coronavirus Disease 2019; the significant decrease in other income and gains which is mainly attributable to the decrease in the other income from the sale of scrap materials, parts and components and the decrease in the bank interest income during the Relevant Period; and the other losses recorded due to the exchange loss recorded due to depreciation of Renminbi during the Relevant Period.