Qlucore has passed the evaluation phase and will receive a prestigious EIC Accelerator grant of EUR 2.5 million to accelerate the development of clinical cancer diagnostics solutions for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) as well as bladder cancer. In March the grant was made public and Qlucore is now starting the project and has received the first payment. During the project Qlucore will develop and launch CE-marked software for clinical cancer diagnostics for the two cancer types.

The project will stretch over three years, with objectives to develop solutions for use by clinical laboratories as well as companion diagnostics (CDx) solutions in collaboration with pharma companies. The selected cancer disease areas are especially suited to the solutions as both cancer types have multiple changes on RNA level that can be utilized to improve diagnosis and treatment. Currently this information is not fully used to provide the right therapy for the right patient.

The aim of the project is to change this.