Qlucore’s year end report for the period 1 May 202330 April 2024 will be published 30 May 2024.

Qlucore invites to a video and phone conference where the year end report for the period 1 May 202330 April 2024 will be presented by the CEO. After the presentationen there will be a Q&A session. The presentation will be in Swedish. Questions can be asked in English.

Date: Friday 31th of May at 10.00 am CET.
Meeting link: https://qlucore.webex.com/qlucore/j.php?MTID=m4a3c83e17aec4f21b95aae095eeffbe4
Meeting number (access code): 2732 241 3823
Password: HDimpS3aG32 (43467732 from video systems)
Join per phone: +46 85051 3563 (Sweden toll)

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