HRT Participações em Petróleo S.A. announced at a Board of Directors meeting held on this date, the board members were informed of the resignations of Ricardo Bottas Dourado from the position of Chief Financial Officer, and Eduardo Laranjeira Jácome from the position of Organizational Management and Investor Relations Officer. During this same meeting, the board members unanimously approved the appointment of Guilherme Marques to fill the position of Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer. Effective February 1, 2015, Guilherme Marques will assume the responsibilities of his position and his term in office will be unified with the other Executive Officers, which runs until May 10, 2015.

The company's Executive Board will now be composed of the following members: Milton Franke, Chief Executive Officer, Guilherme Marques, Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Ricardo Wagner, Chief Legal Officer and Jose Carlos Pedrosa, Business Development Officer.