Precipio, Inc. welcomed Sharon Robins as the Company's Senior Director of Laboratory & Hospital Sales for the Product's Division. As the Company launches HemeScreen with ThermoFisher and its 200+ member sales force, and with the goal of Thermo meeting its first-year target of $10M in revenues (annualized run rate), Ms. Robins will be tasked with managing that relationship and ensuring its success. Coming from Qiagen, a market leader in the diagnostic reagents field, Ms. Robins brings with her a strong background in multiple leadership positions in diagnostic product sales.

During her tenure at Qiagen she was responsible for over $100M in annual revenues. Sharon has a strong background in diagnostics distribution, previously holding senior sales positions at Quest Diagnostics, ThermoFisher, and Life Technologies. In those roles she led teams and was responsible for triple-digit million-dollar revenues.