MILAN (Reuters) - Pirelli's shareholder funds today filed a minority list of independent candidates for the renewal of the company's board of directors, scheduled for the July 31 shareholders' meeting.

The candidates are Roberto Diacetti, Paola Boromei and Giovanni Lo Storto.

Three seats on Pirelli's Board of Directors, composed of a total of 15 members, are reserved for the minority list.

The majority list, which will be presented by Chinese shareholder Sinochem, on the other hand, has 12 seats on the board, including the four names indicated by Marco Tronchetti Provera's Camfin, based on shareholder agreements as amended under recent Golden Power requirements.

The four directors expressed by Camfin will include CEO-designate Andrea Casaluci and Tronchetti Provera himself, who will relinquish the position of CEO but retain that of executive vice chairman. The majority list is expected to be presented in the coming days.

The consulting and recruiting firm Korn Ferry had the role of external and independent adviser in the composition of the minority list, the note says.

The funds-which include Amundi Asset Management Sgr, Anima Sgr, Arca Fondi Sgr, Eurizon Capital Sgr, Fideuram Asset Management, and Mediolanum Gestione Fondi Sgr-are currently holding about 1.3 percent of Pirelli's ordinary shares.

(Giulio Piovaccari, editing Claudia Cristoferi)