Rio de Janeiro, January 16th, 2014 - HRT Participações em Petróleo S.A. (the "Company" or "HRT") (BM&FBOVESPA: HRTP3, TSX-V: HRP), in compliance with the provisions of Article 53 of the Company's By-laws and with the provisions of Article 12 of CVM Instruction 358/02, announces that it has received, on January 15th, a letter from JG Petrochem Participações Ltda ("JG Petrochem"), informing that, on January 10th 2014, the total amount of shares held by it has reached 16,013,100 common shares issued by HRT, which represents approximately 5.38% of the total capital stock of the Company, representing an increase of 7,852,000 common shares compared to the previous holding informed by JG Petrochem, equivalent to 2.74% of the total capital stock of the Company, disclosed on the News Release of 12/26/2013.

According to the information provided in the referred letter: JG Petrochem informs that: (i) it does not have the purpose of changing the management structure of the Company; (ii) it does not hold any other rights over convertible debentures issued by the Company; and (iii) it does not take part of any agreement or contract which regulates the exercise of voting rights or the purchase and sale of securities issued by HRT.

Click here for the News Release.

For additional information, please contact HRT`s Investor Relations Department.

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