OSP Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A368970) agreed to acquire 49.86% stake in Bowwow Korea Co.Ltd from Lee In-soo, Lee Dong-geun, Dongwook Lee, Ko Eun-sook, Jaeho Park and Lee Seung-soo for approximately KRW 18.3 billion on December 20, 2022. The board of directors of OSP Co., Ltd. approved the deal. OSP Co., Ltd will acquire 0.38 million shares of BowWow Korea and consideration will be paid in cash.

Bowwow Korea recorded total assets of KRW 15.3 billion, total sales of KRW 13.2 billion, net income of KRW 1.8 billion and total capital of KRW 6.2 billion for the year ended December 31, 2021. The transaction is expected to close on January 2, 2023.