OMRON Corporation announced the January 22 opening of AUTOMATION CENTER TOKYO (ATC-TOKYO) in Shinagawa, Tokyo, where corporate customers join OMRON to find solutions to their manufacturing issues. The 37th ATC facility in the world, ATC-TOKYO is OMRON's factory automation (FA) technology center, where model production floors are built within the ATC facility to allow customers to experience and test FA that seamlessly integrates AI, IoT, robotics, and other technologies. At ATC-TOKYO, customers can witness manufacturing developments made possible by "innovative-Automation," OMRON's unique manufacturing innovation concept that facilitates solutions to issues facing manufacturers around the world. At ATC-TOKYO, customers are invited to test for themselves customized solutions to issues that they encounter on production floors, which tap into innovative technologies and applications created through an optimal combination of OMRON's more than 200,000 different types of control devices. In the seminar room, customers can avail themselves of technical training, which they may need to introduce devices of their choice. Adjacent to ATC-TOKYO is AUTOMATION CENTER TOKYO POC LAB (POC-TOKYO), where customers can conduct demonstration tests in a simulated usage environment to verify processes using various robots, such as collaborative robots and mobile robots, and devices that they have brought in. Also in the vicinity is a development function working on the latest technology, making ATC-TOKYO a one-stop co-creation solution center where customers can not only "experience" manufacturing technologies but also "demonstrate," "learn skills for," and "develop" devices that they need.