OHB SE appointed Robert Wethmar, a member of the Supervisory Board since 2012, will be the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board from April 1, 2018. This is the unanimous resolution of the Supervisory Board passed on March 20, 2018. Wethmar will be taking over from OHB founder Christa Fuchs, who will remain on the Supervisory Board as an ordinary member. In addition, the Supervisory Board passed a unanimous resolution to nominate chairman of the Federal Association of German Employer Associations BDA, Ingo Kramer, as its fourth member. Kramer will be standing for election at the annual general meeting as an additional member of the Supervisory Board. Ingo Kramer has been BDA chairman since November 2013. Robert Wethmar has been a member of OHB SE's Supervisory Board since 2012.