Noble Helium Limited announced the completion of 3D seismic acquisition over the three western leads in its North Rukwa Project portfolio in Tanzania. The first "Brute Stack" fast-track 3D volume has now been received for the Kachinga lead, which was the first 3D survey acquired. This preliminary 3D volume clearly demonstrates the Rukwa Basin's sedimentary layers climbing toward the Basin Margin Fault, consistent with pre-Airborne Gravity Gradiometry (AGG) geological model and the subsequent AGG.

In combination with the AGG results, the presence and gross extent of the structural closure at the Basin Margin Fault is now well supported. These early results are highly encouraging and Kachinga remains on the list of drilling candidates for 2023. Over the coming weeks, the full pre-stack time migration (PSTM) and pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) processing are expected to provide full definition imaging in the subsurface.

Fast-track 3D cubes are in process for the Mbelele and Dagaa leads. The 3D crew is remobilising to the eastern side of Lake Rukwa to commence the 3D seismic surveys for the remainder of the North Rukwa Project area leads. These new 3D seismic datasets will be progressively integrated into Petrel model for the play a key role in the selection and farmout of 2 preferred drilling targets for 2023.