Noble Helium Limited announced that a Soil Gas Survey has now commenced over the North Nyasa Project area in Tanzania. The SGS team has moved its operations to the North Nyasa Project area, to work in with its much shorter dry season. The survey is anticipated to be completed by November before a planned resumption and completion of the North Rukwa survey.

The North Nyasa Project is located 230km southeast of Lake Rukwa in the Western Branch of the East African Rift System and is in the same rift segment as the Rukwa Rift. Soil Gas Surveying involves sampling the soil on a regular grid, one meter below ground, for helium and other useful indicator gases such as nitrogen and methane. The method is an indirect indicator of helium and other gases present and potentially trapped much deeper underground, particularly for results that are significantly higher than background readings, as seen at North Rukwa.

The North Nyasa survey is expected to take approximately one month. Once completed, the Company will carry out a detailed analysis of the North Nyasa SGS data, which will be combined with the legacy exploration dataset of airborne gravity gradiometry and seismic to develop a maiden Prospective Resource Estimate in 2023.