Brilliant Sands Incorporated announced that it has received positive results from the Alberta project located in central Alberta. The Alberta Project is in close proximity to major infrastructure and well positioned to supply significant amounts of high quality frac sand to many actively producing oil/gas companies throughout Alberta, Canada and beyond. Preliminary exploration for a significant portion Alberta Project land holdings is complete.

Initial analysis of outcrop samples conducted by Loring Laboratories found that the 20-40 and 40-70 fractions exhibited roundness values of 0.7 and 0.6 respectively, while sphericity values were 0.9 to 0.8 respectively. The percentage of silica in these hand samples measured from 91% to almost 95% silica even though they were gathered on the ground surface in weathered material. More representative and uncontaminated samples collected by hand auguring and/or drilling below the ground surface are anticipated to contain near 100% silica.

This phase of the exploration program also involved the investigation of high priority lands using near surface geophysics and hand auger sampling techniques. Geophysical resistivity equipment was utilized to execute nearly 30 kilometers of geophysical survey lines. Hand auger sampling yielded over 30 exploration samples to be taken for further analysis out of nearly 70 sampling locations in the targeted zone, all of which are currently in the process of being sampled.