New Break Resources Ltd. announce the addition of Mr. Gord Morrison, B.Sc., to the Company's Board of Directors. Having been an integral part of the discovery of 13 major polymetallic and precious metal deposits, 6 of which are producing mines, with 4 others at the feasibility stage, Gord joins New Break as one of Canada's most successful mine finders and a leader in the mining industry with a deep and varied experience in both mineral exploration and mining. Mr. Morrison has 50+ years of experience in the mining industry, covering all aspects of geoscience applications across all mining methods from a wide range of underground methods to large scale open pit operations, as well as being part of very successful exploration groups as noted above.

Mr. Morrison's extensive exploration and mining experience includes 32 years at Inco Limited where he served as Senior Geologist, Head of the Sudbury Exploration Group and as a member of the INCO global exploration group, Vice-President, Exploration at FNX Mining Company Inc., Chief Technology Officer - geoscience and other technical mine advancement - North American/South American mines at Quadra FNX Mining Ltd. and KGHM International Ltd., and as President of TMAC Resources Inc. prior to that company's acquisition by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited for their Hope Bay gold deposit in Nunavut. Mr. Morrison's ability to collaborate and work within a team of geologists spanning various levels of experience has promoted an atmosphere of success. His ability to listen to the team, look at the rocks, and integrate a variety of geological, geochemical, and geophysical information makes him one of the leading explorers in the industry today.

Mr. Morrison holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from Queen's University.