On behalf of Övre Eiker Municipality in south-eastern Norway, NCC has been contracted to build the new Hokksund Treatment Plant. Construction will commence in early 2023 and the order value is approximately SEK 350 million. NCC, the municipality and other partners have been planning and preparing for the construction since the beginning of 2022.

The parties have now signed a construction contract and construction can commence. The new Hokksund Treatment Plant will be a modern facility with doubled capacity upon completion. The contract also includes designing a facility that can be used for treatment process training and as a visitor center.

The project has ambitious environmental targets. For example, a heat pump that recovers heat from purified wastewater will be installed, solar panels will be fitted and the project will also compile a GHG inventory. Upon completion, the treatment plant will have an expanded purification process that includes nitrogen removal and a tighter requirement of 95% for phosphorous removal, which will have positive effects for the Drammen River and contribute to a cleaner Oslo Fjord.

Construction will commence in early 2023 and is scheduled for completion by early 2025. The value of the contract is about SEK 350 million and the order will be registered in the Building Nordics business area in the first quarter of 2023.