Munters Group announced the launch of the Echo /Sonar Solution at the International Production and Processing Expo on January 30, 2018 in Atlanta. Combining forces, Munters delivers Echo, the new on-farm wireless sensor technology in conjunction with innovative analysis software Sonar, developed and supported by newly acquired MTech Systems. The collaboration of connecting farms through equipment and software will transform the Munters' offering through advances in data analytics and machine learning. The combination of the two elements significantly improves the access to big data and removes the traditional separation between hardware and software. With a concrete business model built to generate value through efficiency and profitability to all stakeholders in the value chain, the Echo/Sonar solution promises to revolutionize the poultry production industry. In the near future also other industries such as pig and greenhouse production will be covered by this IoT solution. The Echo /Sonar new solution merges hardware development into the software cycle, ultimately ensuring full control of the whole supply chain from farm to fork. Echo is a communication module that is easy to install, flexible and wireless, and contribute to increased production efficiency. Sonar is a software monitoring solution, constantly improves creation of information and data analytics, bringing new levels of intelligence and finding the previously unknown cause-and-effect factors that are limiting the end results in poultry production.