In accordance with the resolution of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Millicom International Cellular S.A., the Nomination Committee has been formed in consultation with the large shareholders as of the last business day of June 2021. The Nomination Committee comprises representatives of four shareholders that represent the large shareholders in Millicom that have chosen to appoint members; Jan Andersson, appointed by Swedbank Robur; John Hernander, appointed by Nordea Investment Funds; Peter Guve, appointed by AMF Pensionsf?rs?kring AB; and Staley Cates, appointed by Southeastern Asset Management, as well as the Chairman of Millicom?s Board of Directors, Jos? Antonio R?os Garc?a. At the first meeting of the Committee, held on November 3, 2021, the members elected John Hernander as the Chairman of the Nomination Committee.