Merit Medical Systems, Inc. announced the appointment of Joe Wright as President, effective immediately. As President, Mr. Wright will be responsible for the oversight of Merit?s global commercial, marketing, and manufacturing operations. Mr. Wright has been an instrumental part of the Merit team over the past 19 years.

He most recently served as Chief Commercial Officer, where he led the development and expansion of Merit?s global commercial activities. Prior to that, he served as President of Merit?s International Division, leading Merit?s business units across APAC and the Americas, where he oversaw the development of Merit?s commercial strategy and led the expansion of the company?s international footprint, including the creation of Merit China in Beijing and the Merit Asia headquarters in Hong Kong. Merit?s Board of Directors is continuing the process of identifying potential internal and external CEO candidates in preparation for the previously announced retirement of Mr. Lampropoulos at the end of 2025.

The process is being overseen by Merit?s independent directors with the assistance of Korn Ferry, a leading executive search firm. Merit does not intend to provide further updates on the process until such time as a successor is designated. Joe Wright joined Merit Medical in 2005 and has served in a variety of roles, including most recently as Chief Commercial Officer, where he was responsible for leading the company?s overall commercial strategy.

Prior to this, Mr. Wright served as President of Merit?s International Division, leading business units across APAC and the Americas. He also previously served as President of Merit Technology Group, overseeing Merit OEM, Merit Sensor and MCTec B.V. and as Vice President of Global Marketing. During his tenure, Mr. Wright oversaw the creation of Merit China in Beijing.

He also established Merit Asia in Hong Kong, the company?s headquarters in Southeast Asia and expanded Merit?s presence with facilities and personnel in Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. Before joining Merit, Mr. Wright held sales, marketing, and business development positions with Motorola and Micron. He holds Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Business Administration degrees from Columbia University.