46,337,500 Ordinary Shares of Maketowin Holding Public Company Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 6-JUN-2023. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 186 days starting from 2-DEC-2022 to 6-JUN-2023.

185,350,000 shares, equivalent to 55.00% of the paid-up capital after IPO which are prohibited from being sold within a period of 1 year from the date the Company's shares begin trading in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. After 6 months, shares can be sold in the amount of 46,337,500 shares or 25.00% of the total shares that are prohibited from selling and the remaining 139,012,500 shares or 75.00% of the total shares that are prohibited from selling, will bee able to sell after a one year period.