On January 22, 2016, Guiyang Sixth Peoples Hospital Co., Ltd. closed the transaction. The company received gross proceeds of CNY 213,705,155.55 in the transaction. The transaction included participation from Guiyang Hospital Management (Group) Co., Ltd. for CNY 72,659,752.89; contributing CNY 69,000,000 to the registered capital and Longmaster Information & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300288) for CNY 141,045,402.66; contributing CNY 135,882,352.94 to the registered capital.

The balance amount was contributed to the capital reserve of the company. The change of business registration was completed. Post the closing, the registered capital of the company increased to CNY 205,882,352.94.

The investors acquired a total stake of 99.514286% in the company.