loanDepot, Inc. has introduced "Home School," marking an important step forward in the Company's strategy to empower today's consumers with the necessary knowledge to achieve their homeownership goals. Aligned with the different ways modern, tech-savvy consumers access and digest information, the comprehensive educational platform supports every stage of the homeownership journey delivering cohesive content across podcasts, videos, and written articles. Home School lives in the gap between thinking about making a move and taking the next step to contact a lender.

Through informative videos and articles, Home School will guide aspiring borrowers with information specific to their journey and unique needs. The content will be designed with tailored pathways for different market segments, such as: First-time homebuyers, Veterans, Second home or investment property buyers, Home renovators and Reverse mortgage candidates. Understanding podcast listenership is expected to grow 11% in 2024, and will continue to grow through the end of the decade1, loanDepot also created the Home School podcast to capture the attention of today's consumers delivering into a variety of subjects.

The podcast will feature guest interviews with housing market and financial planning experts such as Realtors, contractors, Certified Public Accountants, Certified Financial Planners and many more adjacent financial and home service providers. In addition to directly supporting consumers, Home School serves as a valuable asset for loanDepot's retail loan originators, who can personalize and adapt its content to fit their own go-to-market strategies. By tailoring the content for their own geographic locations, originators can cultivate their personal brands and establish themselves as trusted sources of helpful information within their communities.