Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced real-world data on XERMELO’s® (telotristat ethyl) antiproliferative effects in patients with carcinoid syndrome that were presented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2020 Symposium (January 23-25, San Francisco, CA). XERMELO is approved for the treatment of carcinoid syndrome diarrhea in combination with somatostatin analog (SSA) therapy in adults inadequately controlled by SSA therapy, but is not currently approved for any other use. Data from a retrospective, pre- and post-design chart review of 200 metastatic neuroendocrine tumor patients who were on standard background therapies and received telotristat ethyl for an average of 12 months in US clinical practice demonstrated significant mean tumor size reduction of 0.59 cm after initiation of telotristat ethyl (p = 0.006).