GOWEX, National Marketing Award 2014

The awards jury, chaired by Ana María Llopis, has granted the highest award in this area to GOWEX for its fast growth, youth and innovation. This decision has received recognition from nearly 800 marketing professionals, CEOs, media, press, etc… who gathered at the Night of Marketing.

Madrid, may 23rd  2014-.GOWEX (GOW-MAB, ALGOW-NYSE Alternext, LGWXY-OTC Market), leading company in creating Wireless Smart Cities ®  has won the 2014 National Marketing Award, which celebrates this year its sixth edition.

The National Marketing Awards, created and organized by the Spanish Marketing Association, are a public recognition to companies, institutions and professionals who reach excellent results with their marketing strategies.

The award given to GOWEX has received recognition from nearly 800 marketing professionals, CEOs, media, press, etc.. who gathered yesterday at the Night of Marketing, at the Hippodrome of la Zarzuela in Madrid.

Growth, youth and innovation

The awards jury, chaired by Ana María Llopis, has granted the highest award in this area to GOWEX for its fast growth, youth and innovation.

Jenaro Garcia, GOWEX CEO, said during the award ceremony: "in 2004, we thought that the WiFi would soon be like water"

"It would be available everywhere and would be free. In that sense, our initiatives in the sphere of marketing and communication, without having a large budget, have contributed to make citizens consider the free WiFi as a basic and essential service in their day to day. "

GOWEX already has Smart WiFi networks in 89 cities from New York to Paris to Dubai, Ningbo or Madrid. Some of the most important and visited cities in the world where the company already offers free WiFi service to 125 million people.

"The Best" of marketing in one day

The Awards have distinguished those marketing strategies that have stood out for their innovation, good practice and achieving tangible results in 2013. Therefore,the result of excellent work throughout the year  is recognized,  taking into account the competitive strategy, the result and the whole set of actions developed.

Alongside GOWEX, companies like Bla Bla Car,  in the innovation category , Banco Sabadell in  the brand category or Llao Llao, who was awarded in the category of SMEs.

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