Note: This English translation is for reference purposes only and is based on an original document submitted to the Tokyo Stock Exchange on December 22, 2021, in Japanese. In the event of any discrepancy between the Japanese original and this English translation, the original shall prevail. Kureha Corporation assumes no responsibility for this translation or for any direct, indirect or other form of damages arising from the translation.

Corporate Governance Report

Last Update: December 22, 2021


Yutaka Kobayashi, President & Chief Executive Officer Contact: Kazushige Tsurutani, General Manager, Public & Investor Relations Department +81-3-3249-4651 Securities Code: 4023

The status of corporate governance of KUREHA CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as the "Company," "Kureha," or "We") is described below.

  1. Basic Views on Corporate Governance, Capital Structure, Corporate Profile and Other

Basic Information

1. Basic Views

Corporate philosophy and basic policy for corporate governance

Kureha upholds the following Corporate Philosophy, Corporate Mission, and Employee Code of Conduct as its identity (reason for existing). All executives and employees share these ideals, and constantly strive to achieve ambitious goals.

Corporate Philosophy

  • We treasure people and the natural environment.
  • We constantly evolve through innovation.
  • We contribute to society by developing beneficial products.

Corporate Mission

Kureha aims to be an "Excellent Company".

Employee Code of Conduct

We always act as global corporate citizens, recognizing our corporate social responsibilities. In relation to our clients:

We will act with sincerity and with customer satisfaction as our priority. In relation to our work:

We will consistently pursue progress and innovation.

We will consistently respond to change and act with a global perspective. In relation to our colleagues:

We will maintain mutual respect and exhibit teamwork.

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Kureha is committed to strengthening its internal control functions including practicing compliance and ensuring fair and highly transparent management. In addition, Kureha has adapted Corporate Governance Guidelines, which are separately established (URL: to further enhance the effectiveness of its corporate governance, through which Kureha pursues sustainable growth and improving the medium- and long-term growth of corporate value for the Kureha Group (Kureha and Group companies).

[Reasons for Non-compliance with the Principles of the Corporate Governance Code]

UpdatedThis report is based on the Code (including contents aimed at the Prime Market) revised in June 2021.

The Company is implementing all principles of the Corporate Governance Code.

[Disclosure Based on the Principles of the Corporate Governance Code]

[Principle 1.4 Policy concerning Cross-Shareholdings]

  1. Kureha holds shares of transaction partners when it is deemed beneficial in terms of its business transaction status to date with those companies and the enhancement of the Company's sustainable, medium- and long- term corporate value. The Board of Directors verifies the significance of cross-shareholdings by carefully examining whether the purpose of holding such shares of stock is appropriate and whether the benefits and risks from such cross-shareholdings are commensurate with Kureha's cost of capital. Kureha will gradually reduce the number of shares that are no longer significant for Kureha to hold based on a comprehensive consideration of factors such as dialogue with companies in business relationships, the impact on the market, and availability of effective use of funds. For FY2021, Kureha holds shares in 29 companies in business relationships and 8 financial institutions.
  2. The voting rights of cross-held shares are determined and exercised on the basis of a comprehensive judgement as to whether each proposal will not lead to any damage to the enhancement of the medium- and long-term corporate value and shareholder value of the relevant companies whose shares are held.

[Principle 1.7 Disclosure of Appropriate Procedure and Framework for Related Party Transactions] UpdatedThe Company stipulates that, under the Board of Directors Rules, the Board of Directors must approve transactions conducted by Directors if these transactions may compete or cause conflicts with the Company's interests, and the results of those transactions must be reported to the Board of Directors.

Updated[Supplementary Principle 2.4.1 Ensuring Diversity in Promotion, etc. of Core Human Resources]
  • The Company employs and promotes diverse human resources who have different knowledge and experiences, based on their personal attributes, including abilities and achievements, to meet management and business needs. It promotes personnel to management positions based on whether or not they will be able to sufficiently fulfill the roles and responsibilities required as executives or department managers, while taking diversity of human capital into account.
  • Women, foreign nationals, and mid-career hires currently account for 5.4%, 0.4%, and 8.3% of management positions respectively.
  • To ensure diverse human capital, the Company has set a target of 20% or more for the percentage of women recruited for career-track positions, and it will also strive to increase the percentages of women, foreign nationals, and mid-career hires in management positions to above the current levels.
  • The Company will actively pursue various measures to cultivate human capital who can sufficiently fulfill the roles and responsibilities required of executives and department managers and to develop an environment in which employees can make use of their attributes and abilities. These measures include workplace OJT and systematic OFF-JT programs, the improvement of office environments and working patterns, and health and fitness promotion.
  • For human capital development, in line with the renewal of the personnel system in October 2021, the Company has established a new human capital development framework and is working to enhance support
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aimed at the autonomous and continuous growth of every employee, so they can continue to participate actively and take on more and more ambitious goals.

  • In particular, for the development of female senior managers, the Company selects female employees who are expected to become candidates for future senior management and sends them to inter-industry networking seminars for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and skills related to business administration and management and to interact with leaders of other companies.
  • For the development of the working environment, the Company develops environments in which diverse employees, including women, will participate actively and continue to grow, and is striving to enhance its schemes to support them in balancing work with life events such as childbirth, raising children, and caring for elderly family members, including childcare leave, caregiver leave, flextime/shortened working hours, and per-hour annual leave schemes.

    [Principle 2.6 Roles of Corporate Pension Funds as an Asset Owner]
    Updated1. With regard to the Company's defined-benefit corporate pension, Kureha is fully aware that the management of corporate pension funds impacts the Company's own financial standing in addition to the stable asset formation for employees, and has established the Retirement Pension Committee which consists of personnel who possess appropriate qualities, including the General Manager of Finance & Accounting Division, General Manager of Administration Division, General Manager of Human Resources Department, General Manager of Accounting Department, and General Manager of Finance Department, which meets twice a year to monitor the management results.
    2. The asset manager of Kureha's corporate pension funds has already announced its acceptance of the Stewardship Code. Kureha regularly conducts monitoring of stewardship activities through the quarterly briefing session by the asset manager it entrusts.

[Principle 3.1 Full Disclosure]

1. Company objectives (e.g., corporate philosophy), business strategies and business plans

For the Company's corporate philosophy, please refer to I-1 of this report. Kureha has drafted a medium-term management plan, the details of which are appropriately disclosed on the corporate website (

2. Basic views and guidelines on corporate governance based on each of the principles of the Code

For the Company's basic views and guidelines on corporate governance, please refer to I-1 of this report and Corporate Governance Guidelines of the Company


3. Board policies and procedures in determining the remuneration of the senior management and Directors

  • When determining remuneration, etc. for Directors and Vice Presidents, the Board of Directors reflects corporate performance and medium- and long-term growth of corporate value, and also considers securing and retaining appropriate human resources, and sets the remuneration structure and level that are appropriate to the required roles and responsibilities.
  • Remuneration for Directors consists of 1) basic remuneration and 2) bonuses as performance-linked remuneration, as monetary remuneration, and 3) remuneration related to stock acquisition rights as stock options as non-monetary remuneration; provided, however, remuneration for Outside Directors is limited to basic remuneration, considering their roles.
  • Remuneration for Vice Presidents consists of 1) basic remuneration and 2) bonuses as performance-linked remuneration, as monetary remuneration, and 3) remuneration related to stock acquisition rights as stock options as non-monetary remuneration.
  • Changes to the remuneration system for Directors and Vice Presidents shall be decided by the Board of Directors based on comprehensive consideration of trends at other companies, and after deliberation by the Remuneration Advisory Committee, a non-mandatory advisory board to the Board of Directors.
    [Remuneration for Individual Directors]
  • Basic remuneration shall be monthly cash remuneration ("monthly remuneration") and shall be paid within the total amount resolved at the General Meeting of Shareholders. The amount for each individual shall be in accordance with the standard separately determined for each position.
  • Bonuses shall be cash remuneration that reflects performance indicators for the purpose of raising awareness of the improvement of business performance in each fiscal year, and the total amount calculated based on
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profit attributable to owners of parent for each fiscal year as a performance indicator shall be resolved at the General Meeting of Shareholders. The President & Chief Executive Officer shall be entrusted in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors to determine the amount for each individual Director based on his or her evaluation, which shall be paid at a certain time each year.

  • Remuneration related to stock acquisition rights as stock options shall be provided within the total amount resolved at the General Meeting of Shareholders, for the purpose of providing Directors with incentives for the sustainable improvement of corporate value and raising shareholder-focused management awareness. The amount for each individual shall be in accordance with the standard separately determined for each position and shall be provided at a certain time each year based on the resolution of the Board of Directors. The fair value of stock options is calculated based on reasonable grounds such as the Black-Scholes model and determined by the Board of Directors.
  • The President & Chief Executive Officer shall be entrusted to determine specific details of the amount of monthly remuneration for each individual in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors. The details of the entrusted authority shall be the determination of the standard for the amount for each director by position.
  • The President & Chief Executive Officer shall be entrusted to determine specific details of the amount of bonus for each individual in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors. The details of the entrusted authority shall be the determination of the amount for each Director based on the evaluation by the President & Chief Executive Officer.
  • The President & Chief Executive Officer shall be entrusted to determine specific details of the amount of the remuneration related to stock acquisition rights as stock options for each individual in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors. The details of the entrusted authority shall be the determination of the standard for the amount for each Director by position.
  • In order to ensure that the authority entrusted to the President & Chief Executive Officer regarding the remuneration for each class is properly exercised, the standard for the amount of monthly remuneration for each Director by position, the amount of bonus for each Director based on the evaluation, and the standard for the amount of the remuneration related to stock acquisition rights as stock options for each Director by position shall be determined after deliberation by the Remuneration Advisory Committee, a non-mandatory advisory board to the Board of Directors.
  • The amount of remuneration for Directors shall be revised based on comprehensive consideration of factors including the remuneration levels of other companies and the Company's business performance. The procedure for the revision shall be in accordance with the method of determining the amount of remuneration for each class.
    [Remuneration for Individual Vice Presidents]
  • The amount of remuneration for each Vice President by class shall be in accordance with the remuneration structure for Directors, and shall be determined by the President & Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the internal rules under the remuneration structure determined by the Board of Directors after deliberation by the Remuneration Advisory Committee. The determination by the President & Chief Executive Officer shall be made after deliberation by the Remuneration Advisory Committee.

4. Board policies and procedures in the appointment/dismissal of the senior management and the nomination of candidates for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

[Appointment of Directors]

UpdatedThe Board of Directors makes decisions on the appointment of Directors and Vice Presidents appropriately based on the evaluation of factors such as the Company's business performance while ensuring transparency and fairness of the Company's decision-making. When appointing Directors, achieving a balance of knowledge, abilities, and experience within the Board of Directors as a whole, as well as diversity and the maximum number of Directors are taken into account, with most emphasis being given to experience in corporate management. Based on the above policy, the Nomination Advisory Committee, non-mandatory advisory board to the Board of Directors deliberates on the appointment of Directors and Vice Presidents, and the chairperson of the Nomination Advisory Committee proposes to the Board of Directors the results of the review of the details for the resolution of the appointment.

[Appointment of Audit & Supervisory Board Members]

Audit & Supervisory Board Members must have a high ethical standard and possess the insights, abilities, and experience required as an Audit & Supervisory Board Member. At least one member must be a person with the appropriate knowledge related to finance and accounting.
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Prior consent of the Audit & Supervisory Board shall be obtained for candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

[Appointment/Dismissal of President & Chief Executive Officer and Vice Presidents]

UpdatedThe Nomination Advisory Committee deliberates on the appointment of the President & Chief Executive Officer, based on criteria such as strong leadership that is capable of swift and appropriate execution of the Group's management strategies, management achievements, experiences, skills, and qualities of a President & Chief Executive Officer. When appointing the President & Chief Executive Officer, the chairperson of the Nomination Advisory Committee proposes to the Board of Directors the results of the review of the details.

The Nomination Advisory Committee deliberates on the dismissal of the President & Chief Executive Officer, and the chairperson of the Nomination Advisory Committee proposes to the Board of Directors the results of the review of the details. If the following criteria for dismissal apply to the President & Chief Executive Officer, it will be subject to deliberation by the Nomination Advisory Committee:

  • if it is recognized that the President & Chief Executive Officer has not sufficiently fulfilled the function of the office in light of evaluation of company business results, etc.;
  • if an act of misconduct in the execution of duties or a material violation of laws and regulations or the Company's articles of incorporation has been recognized; or
  • in the event of other circumstances that make it difficult for the President & Chief Executive Officer to properly perform his/her duties.

The appointment of Vice Presidents is deliberated on by the Nomination Advisory Committee, non-mandatory advisory board to the Board of Directors, and decided by the resolution of the Board of Directors. Each Director proposes the dismissal of a Vice President to the Board of Directors if he or she finds that the Vice President executes business operations in a manner that departs from the reasons for the appointment of such Vice President.

5. Explanations with respect to the individual appointments and nominations of the senior management, Directors, and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Past experience and reasons for selection for candidates for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members are disclosed in the Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders.

Updated[Supplementary Principle 3.1.3 Sustainability Initiatives, etc.]
  • As a company that handles chemical substances, Kureha has engaged in Responsible Care (RC) initiatives as a responsible, autonomous management activity for society and the environment. To actively address various sustainability-related challenges further, the Company has stipulated in the Kureha Group Basic Policy on CSR its continued challenge aimed at becoming an excellent company by adhering to the Employee Code of Conduct and practicing the Corporate Philosophy in its global business and social activities and RC activities, and is actively proceeding with those policies, with the CSR Committee, under the direct control of the President, at the center.
  • The Kureha Group has identified 20 material issues (materiality) to be addressed with priority as the basic responsibility of corporate activity, to enhance the effectiveness of governance and practice thorough compliance, and is working on these issues together with Group companies. At the same time, in areas where the Company excels, it hopes to leverage its unique technological capabilities and strengths to address solutions to new social issues and contribute to social development. From these perspectives, it has declared "strengthen management foundations" as one of its management goals in Kureha's Challenge 2022, the medium-term management plan announced in May 2021, and is actively addressing nine priority areas in CSR activities that it has selected.
  • Currently, as demands on companies to solve global social issues, including SDGs, grow stronger, in consideration of the needs of all stakeholders, companies are being called on to formulate and put into practice sustainability strategies aimed at the enhancement of corporate value that is sustainable over the medium to long term. The Kureha Group is actively pursuing the formulation of medium- to long-term CSR strategies that are integrated with its business strategies. The Company's CSR activities and sustainability initiatives are disclosed on the CSR pages of the corporate website (
  • The Company recognizes that investment in human capital and intellectual property is essential to sustainable growth. Regarding human capital, having established an Employee Code of Conduct based on the Corporate Philosophy, the Company is conducting a review of its personnel system and various measures
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Kureha Corporation published this content on 04 January 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 04 January 2022 04:28:06 UTC.