Janison Education Group Limited (ASX:JAN) will look for acquisitions. Stuart Halls, Chief Financial Officer said, “Looking ahead, we do have a really good pipeline of other acquisition targets. The market and especially through COVID has flushed out some new opportunities as well, some good value opportunities.

In our educational assessments side of the business, we are looking towards generally analog school assessment businesses, those that produce nondigital, so pen and paper or sort of static exam, content throughout Australia and overseas, which has the opportunity to be digitized into the Janison assessments platform and scale and obviously the cross-sell between the customer groups. And on the assessment platform side of the business, we see the opportunity for potential technology acquisitions, where we can really expedite investment that we would have made in our own product development to build out that functionality, whereas we see an opportunity to acquire businesses in that space. So yes, very exciting.

I can say a lot of pipeline, some really good opportunities not just in Australia but internationally and expect to see more to come from there in the very near future”.