(Alliance News) - The contracting station Agenzia Territoriale dell'Emilia-Romagna per i Servizi Idrici e Rifiuti - ATERSIR has entered into contracts with Iren Ambiente, a subsidiary of Iren Spa, for the concession of the public service concession for waste management in the Parma and Piacenza territorial basins with a duration of 15 years, starting January 1, 2023.

The total awarding of the two concessions entrusted following public tenders - covers 89 municipalities, with a total auction base amount of EUR1.3 billion. The rebates on the tender base presented by Iren Ambiente will save the territory nearly EUR60 million over the 15 years.

The Parma territorial basin includes 43 municipalities, with a total of more than 425,000 inhabitants served, while the Piacenza territorial basin includes 46 municipalities, with a total of about 286,000 inhabitants served.

"Thanks to the waste service management operated by Iren Ambiente in the past years, the Parma area has been able to reach a separate waste collection percentage of 80 percent while the Piacenza area of 72 percent, values much higher than the national average of 63 percent. On the strength of the results achieved, Iren Ambiente will invest EUR120 million over the 15-year term of the concession to improve the quality of the service through the entry of new vehicles, including electric vehicles, for collection, the extension of door-to-door collection to all waste fractions and the implementation of punctual pricing," the company said.

"We are satisfied with the outcome of the tenders and the signing of the contracts," stressed Iren's CEO and general manager Gianni Vittorio Armani, "which testify to the good design of Iren's offer to the Emilia territory. We are already starting from a position of excellence for the high recovery and recycling percentages achieved: with a renewed commitment we will further increase the percentage of differentiated collection, extend punctual pricing, incentivize the reduction of waste production, and the recovery of energy and matter."

Iren's stock is up 2.0 percent at EUR1.74 per share.

By Giuseppe Fabio Ciccomascolo, Alliance News senior reporter

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