InTiCa Systems AG announced consolidated earnings results for the first quarter of 2012. The company announced that overall sales fell 18% year-on-year, from EUR 10.9 million to EUR 8.9 million. EBITDA was around the year-back level at EUR 1.3 million. Group EBIT increased year-on-year to EUR 0.3 million in first quarter 2012 versus first quarter 2011 of EUR 0.2 million. In the first three months of 2012, the financial result was unchanged from first quarter 2011 at negative EUR 0.1 million versus negative EUR 0.1 million of prior year period. Group net income was EUR 0.06 million versus first quarter 2011 of: EUR 0.14 million, giving earnings per share of EUR 0.01 versus first quarter 2011 of EUR 0.03. Including the currency translation gains of EUR 0.5 million from the translation of foreign business operations, comprehensive income was EUR 0.6 million in first quarter 2012. The operating cash flow was clearly positive at EUR 0.5 million. For the whole of 2012, assuming at least moderate economic growth despite the difficult situation in the German solar industry and the continued economic uncertainty, especially in the euro zone, the Board of Directors currently expects sales to decline slightly, while the earnings trend should be stable.